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Rape, India And Punishment

Women protesting for justice of Hathras Rape Case

TW: Mentions Of sexual violence

The number of rape cases in India is rising just like our population and it will be rising until they find a punishment that is strict and harsh and harsher depending on the damage they have caused to the victim. A punishment that kills the perpetrator with embarrassment and grief. Sending them to prison for 10-15 years is not a remedy but the way they are treated in the prison for 10-15 years will make a difference. It will not only bring a change in them but also on the mentality of the rest which will ultimately lessen the no. of rape cases. It’s not only about reducing the no. of rape cases but also about saying no to rape.

Photo: @scribe_it/ Twitter

The Hathras gangrape led to widescale protests across the country, a lot of which were violently repressed by the government.

The fear of the pandemic, social distancing, or physical distancing has got nothing to do with it. The violence against women has been on a rise during the pandemic. We know about the cases growing every day these are only the reported ones there might be 100s and 1000s of girls and women who haven’t reported yet.

A 19-year-old Dalit girl in Hathras was brutally raped by the men of the upper caste (Thakur caste). We live in the world’s largest democracy yet we didn’t have the right to speak up much on it. Our countries largest opposition party was kicked around when they came out to protest. The news channels were obsessed with Bollywood and in Hathras the police cremated her body without the knowledge of her parents and didn’t allow them to perform her last rituals. They want to discuss unnecessary topics that have no evidence but take years and years to provide justice for a case with all proofs and evidence.

They blame and point out fingers on the way a woman dresses not only that but some call it a cause for rape in India. What about a six-month-old baby? What about a woman who is completely covered?

It’s high time people stop pointing at the way SHE dresses and start pointing at HIM and the GOVERNMENT for not making strict laws and punishments.

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