Due to the pandemic, the girls of our country are said to be under threat, and that may be external or internal. The Hatharas case is one such example of crimes against girls that happen in our nation. Harassment of girls and women are reportedly alarmingly increasing. The dismantling of harmony is resulting in crime against women.
So, it will be a challenge for our government to foster and boost the post-COVID educational stimulus, and to recreate enthusiasm to send girls to school.
It is a clear fact that in India, after the lockdown, there have been various opportunities for people to exploit and manipulate girls. Domestic violence against girls and women are continuously being reported in media reports.
Next to that crime against girls and harassment towards them are reportedly alarming. Dismantling of mental harmony is resulted in crime against women forces.
Sufficient inducement and planning in a strategic way is needed to upgrade and glorify girls’ educational journey through the post-COVID period in India.
So, having to accelerate and boost education at a micro-level is not easy. Hence the government should act in a planned way to deal with such crucial and critical section of society. So not only through using Doordarshan, but also using All India Radio broadcast, online and distant learning to boost education at the ground level.