Neha Kakkar, a very well known bollywood singer who has given multiple hits over the years, tied the knot with Rohan Preet Singh,( a reputated Indian singer, mostly know for his Punjabi songs) on 24th of October, 2020 in JW Marriott aerocity, Delhi. After getting married according to Hindu rituals, couple proceeded with their happy lovey dovey life and for past few days we were getting gaga over their adorable marriage and honeymoon pics circulating on various social media platforms.
But when she, out of blue announced her first pregnancy on 18th of December 2020, netizens started trolling newly married couple for premarital sex, as it is not possible to conceive after just two months of tying the knot!, People stated commenting that ” it is morally wrong and is not acceptable in society!!”
Now, the question arises, is it really morally wrong to involve in premarital sex and conceive without getting married to someone? Well, as we are living in an orthodox society where few people with conservative mind sets have a habit of poking their nose in other’s business we have become habitual of all that. But, really it’s high time to think about who we are to raise our fingers on others?
Marrying a particular person or not, having sex outside of the marriage and tying knot with a particular person is a personal choice of an individual. Who are we, as a society to question someone’s decision about their personal choices specially marriage, sex and wedding attires ? So what if they are public figures? It doesn’t give us a right to comment something distasteful about a couple’s personal choice.
People’s reaction about her wearing copied marriage outfits of other Bollywood celebrities like( Priyanka Chopra, Anushka Sharma and Deepika Padukone) were already in the line of fire now her sudden announcement of pregnancy just after two months of marriage became a talk of the town!
Well, as being a responsible citizen and a human being I don’t think we have any say in someone’s personal life matters.It’s easier to smile and respect other’s emotions and decisions by accepting them instead of opposing and trolling them like anything.
We are already facing lots of problems this year, the pain of migrant labourers, death of millions all over the world due to Corona pandemic, rise in sudden unemployment rate due to lay off from certain jobs and sectors all over the globe are few other major topics we must consider instead of speaking ill about a celebrity just because she decided to be in a ‘ live in relationship’ and conceived before marriage.
It’s easy to let go of a matter rather than spreading hate and taking something really personal. We just pay for a ticket to watch a celebrity’s movie or music concert, we don’t own their lives. They are just a normal human being with same emotions and feelings, we shouldn’t be idolizing them as God.
The world is already a cruel place, let’s live and let others live with peace and love.