Acknowledging the power of cinema in mending the hearts and minds of a nation, no human can deny the fact that an information war is being forced by geopolitical powers on their subordinate nations using mass media and cinema side-by-side. Coloniser left India physically, but using tools such as media, they are still colonising our thought-process and education system.
Taking this into consideration and looking at the movies/films being produced by Indian cinema in recent decades, one is forced to say it out loud that Indian cinema is promoting drugs, alcohol, sex, money, nudity and murder culture in almost every production. This is being transmitted and broadcast to youth via air services including cable and internet. This can have a devastating impact on them at the cognitive level, giving rise to more rapists, robbers, drug addicts and murderers in a country that is already facing all these evils in advance.
But Indian cinema is probably (according to my opinion) much focused on money-making instead of promoting creativity and a positive message for the masses. Cinema is such a powerful weapon that it can change the course of thinking of a whole generation like ours, who are number one in media consumption in the whole human history. But what when we are made to consume unethical material that can ruin our present and future?
Every nation is dependent on its youth for its success and development in future. On one side, the Indian government is taking initiatives and organising drug de-addiction programmes, but on the other side, there is cinema: one of the most powerful weapons impacting the hearts and minds of people. It is ‘promoting’ drugs and other evils in their programmes and production, thus paving a path to dark future of this great nation.
What is the remedy to this?
Indian cinema should create a vision plan based on imparting creativity to the young minds of this nation while debunking the capitalist agenda of money making at the cost of the nation’s future.