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How I Take Care Of Myself During My Periods

period care

Menstruating is hard and even herculean for some. Periods are painful, uncomfortable, wet and make the life of the individual menstruating a slow-burning living hell. 

Selfcare and self-love are essential parts of our lives and somewhere we often forget the importance of self-care during our periods. Self-care is necessary during Menstruation. Self-care can be of multiple types and it can be done in various ways. It can be eating that extra dark chocolate cookie or sleeping an extra hour. It can be watching your favourite movie or reading your favourite book. 

Ways to comfort and care for yourself during Menstruation:

period care
Hot water bags, traditional or electronic ones, either of them works wonders with cramps.

Using soothing and calming scents (I prefer something very soothing). While bathing, take hot showers, with cologne or anything fragrant that you prefer. Putting a bit of that hot water on your tummy and back helps with clearing of clots. Hot water is the go-to companion for any individual who is bleeding. Drinking lukewarm water during periods is one of the many things our mother and grandmothers have always taught us.

Eating dark chocolate during our periods satisfies us and our stomach. It helps to reduce cramp and even uplifts mood. 

If you’re a reader or a movie lover, resting and watching your favourite movie is one of the most comforting things to do besides sleeping during your periods. Watching my favourite movie and resting is one of my favourite things to do during my cycle.

Hot water bags, traditional or electronic ones, either of them works wonders with cramps. However, it is recommended to cover the bag with a cotton cloth before directly placing it over your body.

Now the weird one: make yourself orgasm. Yeah, masturbating helps a lot with the pain. The cleanest way to do that is in the shower with hot water. Hot showers are not only incredible for your cramps but also for masturbating. Hot showers are an excellent place to take out and clean your menstrual cups.

Menstruation doesn’t come alone. It brings its friends with it. Premenstrual syndrome is one of it’s closest and oldest friends. It comes right before your cycle and makes you feel almost period-like symptoms. Handling it too can be challenging and difficult. It’s essential to make a few changes during this time of the month.  

One of the most important things an individual can do is change their diet and reduce and cut out on their junk food intake. A nutrition-rich and healthy diet might help because of the nutrients and antioxidants in them. Eating a well balanced yummy meal will make you feel full and also probably lessen junk food cravings. 

Drinking herbal and caffeine-free teas help. Mothers always tell their menstruating daughters to drink warm water or tea to soothe their period cramps. Drinking caffeine-free tea is the way to go — green tea, Ginger tea, Chamomile tea, to name a few. Adding a pinch of cinnamon to your teas will only enhance the flavour and adding honey instead of artificial sweetener is a great alternative. 

Meditation, stretching, yoga or light exercises might help your lighter cramps. They also relax you further and divert your mind from the uncomfortable feeling you might be feeling during your menstrual cycle. My grandma always said, “Beta, Yoga se sab hoga,” and seems like it works for Menstruation too. Light yoga videos for cramps are easily accessible and available on the internet and are rather popular with many. 

Taking rest is the quintessential need during periods. Sleeping proper 8 hours, catching small cat naps during the day. Resting when needed is essential. Resting properly during your cycle should not be skipped. 

Selfcare isn’t all about taking care of your body. Doing what makes you happy, baking healthy homemade desserts to munch, applying your favourite strawberry sheet mask, etc. is self-care too. Selfcare is to feel better about yourself, your body and your being. 

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