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Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin, Hair, and Overall Health

healthy hair

 A supernutrient that offers numerous health benefits is vitamin C. Identified as a strong antioxidant, vitamin C helps generate other antioxidants in the body. The properties of this water-soluble vitamin help develop and maintain the body. Vitamin C supports the absorption of nonheme iron. It further plays an important role in building connective tissue and delays the damaging effects of free radicals. 


The human body is unable to generate Vitamin C. Hence, you must ingest it through supplements and food. Vitamin C gummies, vitamin c capsules, multivitamin gummies, green leafy veggies, kiwi, broccoli, guava, etc are items you can add to your regime to increase the vitamin C content in your body.  


It has been established vitamin C is vital. But how does vitamin C benefit you? To address this, we have answered all your queries and mentioned the health benefits right here for you to find out. So without further ado, let’s begin!


Is consuming vitamin C good for the skin and hair? 

Yes! Vitamin C has many aesthetic healing solutions. It supports the growth of hair and promotes glowing skin. 


What benefits do you get from vitamin C?

Boosts Immunity: Vitamin C plays a vital role in stimulating the immune system by improving strength and protection in the body. Being deficient in vitamin C reduces the body’s ability to fight certain pathogens. Besides, vitamin C aids the T-cell proliferation in response to infection that helps battle infections, and alleviates the severity of many allergies. This is the one powerhouse that you need in the right proportion to power up your immune system.  


Combats Stress: For this one, all credit goes to the world we live in – a fast-paced life where you are constantly subjected to stressful situations. But we have something that can release you from the clutches of stress. It is a powerful antioxidant vitamin C. This supernutrient helps combat typical indicators of emotional and physical stress. It also helps lower the number of stress hormones.  


Treats Common Cold: The healing abilities of vitamin C alleviate the symptoms of the common cold and the flu. This mainly includes the nauseous effects of cold, which are inflammation, running nose, and others. Further, it shortens the time you take to recover from a cold and helps contain the allergies that cause cold.  


Aids Heart Health: The daily consumption of vitamin C in the recommended dosage can hamper the activity of endothelin-1, a protein that constricts small blood vessels that increases the risk of heart attacks. Besides that, it helps the arteries dilate under stress. This aids the flow of blood that leads to a good supply of oxygen in the body. Vitamin C has also been associated with reducing levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) which helps prevent coronary heart disease. 


Manages Blood Sugar Levels: Vitamin C helps regulate blood sugar for those with type 2 diabetes. It curbs diabetic damage done to your blood vessels. A Japanese study also states that diabetes can be controlled with vitamin C. This is because the vitamin stimulates insulin that helps in the treatment of diabetes. 


Helps Manage Weight: Sufficient vitamin C in the body increases oxidation of fat while exercising. It also helps boost metabolism which plays an instrumental role in your weight loss journey. Being deficient in vitamin C can indeed be a deterrent when you try to lose weight. 


Boosts Energy: Vitamin C is known to eliminate fatigue. It reduces the weary effects that come after doing energy-consuming chores that in turn helps you stay active. It can also improve physical activity. 


Anticancer Effects: The regular intake of vitamin C in the recommended dosage can yield many positive results one of them is reducing the risk of cancer. Its powerful antioxidant effects battle various types of cancer which are mainly of the colon, rectum, stomach, lungs, mouth, esophagus, and throat. 


Enhances Eye Health: When it comes to the eyes, vitamin C can sure do a lot of good. Free radicals are responsible for causing oxidative stress in the body. Vitamin C fights this by curbing free radicals from causing molecular damage to the lens tissue in the eye. It is also said that high amounts of vitamin C may lower the risk of cataracts by 20%. When coupled with other essential nutrients, vitamin C may prevent macular degeneration due to age. As per studies, vitamin C can also support the functioning of retina cells. It further aids the regeneration of vitamin E in the eye, which enhances eye health. Vitamin C can also promote the health of blood vessels in the eyes. Well, it is clear vitamin C is vital for healthy eyes!


Prevents Scurvy: A rare condition scurvy is a result of a deficiency in vitamin C. Its early symptoms are fatigue, weakness, and sore arms and legs. For over 300 years, vitamin C has been used to keep this illness at bay. As little as 10 grams of vitamin C can help prevent Scurvy. 

Maintains Healthy Gums: Being deficient in vitamin C can lead to periodontal disease (an intense form of gingivitis). Low levels of vitamin C are associated with weakening the connective tissues that lead to the breaking down of capillaries. Another symptom of low vitamin C is bleeding gums. Hence, daily intake of vitamin C can indeed aid healthy teeth and gums.


Improves Your Mood: Have you been feeling low lately? Maybe vitamin C can come to your rescue. Studies have suggested that vitamin C can have mood-elevating effects. An intake of an adequate amount of vitamin C can help reduce anxiety and improve your mood. 


Promotes Healthy Skin: One of the most important benefits of vitamin C for skin is its ability to give you healthy, glowing skin. The level of vitamin C in your body determines the formation of elastin, a compound needed to protect, thicken, and heal the skin cells. Elastin is responsible for keeping your skin healthy and glowing. It is hence important to load up on enough vitamin C so you have the best skin health. 


Collagen Production: Collagen contains around 25-35% of the total protein in the body. As you age, the formation of collagen declines. Collagen rejuvenates skin and reduces wrinkles. A decline in its presence is a reason for dull skin. This is where vitamin C comes into the picture. It helps in the production of collagen which in turn reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. 


Heals Wounds and Burns: Vitamin C has wound healing properties. The presence of antioxidants remedies burns lesions. It also reduces the ventilation a patient with severe burns requires. Further, it assists in the growth of new tissues and skin that wonderfully helps heal both wounds and burns. 


Enhances Hair Growth: The benefits of vitamin C for skin are always spoken of. Likewise, there are several Vitamin C benefits for hair! One of the many vitamin C benefits for hair is that it enhances hair growth. Low levels of vitamin C in the body are the cause of dry hair, hair loss, split ends, etc. Vitamin C boosts collagen that leads to strong, healthy, and thick hair. The next time you see strands of hair falling off do remember to build the vitamin C in your body. 


Reduces Premature Greying: Looking for the best hair vitamins? Look no further! Enriched with myriads of medicinal properties, vitamin C reduces premature greying of hair. Free radicals lead to oxidative stress in the body which is a cause for greying of hair. Being an antioxidant, vitamin C combats the effects of free radicals thereby reducing oxidative stress that is the root cause of grey hair. It also helps in the retention of natural colour and forms pigments. 


Fights Dandruff: Troubled with a dry, itchy, and flaky scalp? Wondering how to seek riddance from dandruff on your shoulders? Vitamin C to the rescue! One of the vitamin C benefits for hair is its ability to combat dandruff. Bacterial development on the scalp, oily, and dry skin are factors that lead to dandruff. The antiseptic properties of vitamin C battle fungal and bacterial infections which destroy all dandruff troubles and stimulate hair growth. It also helps clear clogged hair follicles and pores. Indeed vitamin C is one of the best hair vitamins. 


Summing it Up

Owing to its healing properties, the water-soluble vitamin C is a potent remedy for many health conditions. One can consume vitamin C daily by eating vitamin-dense foods like oranges, potatoes, broccoli, strawberries, etc. Besides that, it is also advisable to consume vitamin C as additives i.e vitamin C capsules, vitamin C gummies, or multivitamin gummies from the house of Kapiva, each of which will supplement your body with enough nutrition. Please take note that these additives should be consumed in the recommended dosage only. Adding this powerful vitamin to your diet will make way for a stronger and healthier you. So if you aren’t giving your body enough vitamin C, you need to start now!


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