I was in a socio-pastoral camp last year, near Pattadakal in North Karnataka. On January 3, 2020, after New Year’s celebration, my friend from Perth, Australia, shared a disturbing video of a person falling dead because of some virus. But I took it for granted that it doesn’t matter to me nor does it have any effect on me. While returning to Bangalore, the alarming news of the coronavirus had started spreading, yet, it didn’t have any effect on me.
When the government imposed a lockdown, I was very happy that I could then spend time with my mom dad and my brother, but I never realised the worry they had in their mind about how they’d run the family in the lockdown days. Yet, God was gracious and we could manage with what we had at home. We even helped a few who were in need, including some dogs near our home.
I would say the year 2020 was indeed a blessing to us for building up our family ties; a blessing to Mother Nature for regaining back her health; and moreover, a blessing to me for realising the worth of my precious life. I couldn’t do much; in a little way, I shared what I had. I witnessed many people becoming generous and kind.
It was love shared among all. Let us not look at the sad part. Yes, it remains painful, but we need to look at the positive side and move on. Let love and sharing grow, let hate and pain subside. 2020 was not a disaster but a blessing.