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The design of a system in technology

The new way of communication is through technology and design of a system involves data gathering and create a network. The modern system of the new era needs a design that is basedone on user need. User need is made on the the product that fits in the market. Online designs are made to fulfill user need and find a new thingsystem to satisfy user. A webite design made on user need is there to support user and give a support. Design is a wide term and it is software and hardware Based. Software based is a logical online design that involves website and tabs are made to facilitate user. User likes a design in which all features are at one platform. A platform independence is necessary so that user can work easily. Website can be static and changed according to market need. Need of user is the latest trend of market that involves website design. Some of them work on website that are by default and some make their own website for work. Work is done online and all difficult issues are solved at one platform.

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