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This Animated Film Will Teach Children All They Need To Know About ‘Unsafe’ Touch

The animated movies take up two ‘Super Buddies’ that have been carefully penned down in roles where they share knowledge, facts about the powers and rights of children. It is taken into consideration that these Super Buddies are inclusive, supportive and comforting so that the children associate with a positive role model.

Mentions of the ‘Power to Say No’ or the ‘Right to Safety’, among others, are meant to support the children and empower them. Super Buddies aim to develop a certain friendship or belongingness with the children with a mission to ensure children are safe. The animated movie also covers non-contact abuse which is ignored in our society. Our Voix, in collaboration with Banswara Syntex Ltd, has launched the short movies.

Four ways the movie is different:

  1. The movie burst the myths around the issue and talks about boys are sexually abused too and female can be the abuser too.
  2. The short film covers about non–touch abuse
  3. The movie has been made after recommendations from 100+ stakeholders from 9+ states.
  4. The movies are in sign language translation
  5. Teaching children in a child-friendly manner with Super Buddies
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