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Compatibility of new software on old machine

Software is continuously changing and it should be compatible over old system as it is hard to buy system again and again. New design should be made according to compatibility of old system. Modern era is an era of learning in a smart way which means old software should be replaced by old one. Old system is old as it needs new updates. Sometimes updates are made manually and sometimes updates are made automatically. The automatic updates are made by the system and it creates awareness among the system. System generation is made for user as user knows what they want and system also understands the need of user. User has to find a way for compatibility of new software. Software industry is a modern industry that involves invention of new software. New software is a new invention according to user need, user need is the need of the market and it should be according to new inventions. New knowledge, new need and new software. Technology is incomplete without new software and it requires updation with the passage of time.

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