Bizarre news has popped up which shares photos of a toilet in the colours of the Samajwadi Party flag. This prompted the party, its workers and its blind followers to ask the authorities concerned whether it is not an insult to their party flag. This is a genuine question as to how to apply paint without any intention, whilst being fully absorbed in all those political rapports that are supposed to be disturbing one-party leaders on the extreme level.
However, the question is ironic because of the focus on the colours. It is finding its way into our increasingly different political culture. It can not be cited that the large order of railways that contends the explicit reason for painting in dark red and green colours is having its tangible moment. It does not seem to pay attention anymore, the objection is gaining pace as a way to stay attached with an upright dispute with the political party and the railway administration.
Though the toilet was constructed three to four months ago, it came to the party leaders’ vertical notice lately. When they have already glanced at the colour of glowing tiles corroborating with their party’s flag, they seemed to have decided not to rest until something apt has not come upon.
For them, in view of the opposition parties, it could be a political issue but as they are reiterating it is a point directly related to their respect for the standard they bear for the flag. They protest for the flag and threaten to come to the streets if their demands for changing the tiles’ colour are not met. They are not going to accept the colour of the tiles anymore. It has to be seen whether their enormous endeavour in the political field gets accepted.
It has been turning the political wheels, unhurriedly. The fight to restrict such practice might not be acceptable to another side as it is understood that the practice of painting the toilet into the dark red and green colour was not a new initiation. It has been going on for the past several years. In recent days, the Samajwadi Party has rejected red and green tiles being used at a toilet at a railway hospital in Gorakhpur. Making its points clear, the party added that it finds the use of both the colours as an open insult to its flag bearing the same two colours. The party leaders have demanded action against those responsible for it.
It would be apt to mention here that red and green tiles have been used in the toilet at Lalit Narayan Mishra Railway Hospital in UP’s Gorakhpur. However, denying all the reactions, the party’s district president Ram Nagina Sahni said that they will not tolerate such insult to the party flag. And that they demand the railway administration change it and the district administration act against those behind it.