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Sex Education Is About More Than Puberty And Labelling Diagrams

biology penis diagram and school boys in uniform

In classrooms, in Class 10, the biology subject revealed about adolescence and mentioned sexual maturity, but failed us to provide the necessary knowledge in sexual education: i.e. sexuality and sexual behavior, which are an important part of growing up.

Gone are the days when romance was shown by two kissing flowers on the TV. Now, things are different — sexuality is shown in form of voyeurism, broken down relationships or roaming half-naked.

However, sexuality is about more than that. Nowadays, are there better ideologues out there on these topics, my favorite being Dr Seema Anand, who shows sex as less of promiscuity and more of a natural attraction. She also talks about sex as not just limited to physical intimacy, but something that also includes good touch, bad touch, pregnancy and consent.

biology penis diagram and school boys in uniform


I read a book on health and physical education, and it was an apt book to guide lectures on sex-ed and general well-being. However, these lectures should also include practical lessons on behavioral sexuality and sexual protective devices to avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases. These lectures are as imperative as skill building classes in other vocations, as this is also a life skill. It should be mandatory to teach health and well-being lessons to all, and the youth of India should appeal for a compulsory health education class.

Given that our previous generations feel awkward about these issues, we should also keep them in consideration and slowly orient them to this subject. Our parliament should be represented by the youth in a true sense and we should be able to call the shots on such decisions; writing letters to the Women and Child Development Ministry won’t do much.

Health and education should be compulsory and accessible to all those who want, and sexuality should be openly discussed in mainstream society.

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