There is a popular saying, on the lines of: “what you don’t learn from your mother, you learn from this world.” But, I believe that what I couldn’t learn from this world, confinement within the four walls of my home taught me, which is to never take things for granted.
The creator of some of the most popular quotes and a Financial Advisor by profession, Ziad K. Abdelnour said, “Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.” The saying goes well with the dystopia we’re living through, and everyone can connect with it. I am afraid if I ever underappreciated the freedom I had once. The freedom to stroll freely on the roads, the freedom to dine out whenever I felt so, the freedom to weep on a friend’s shoulder when I felt low, the freedom to barge into someone’s home whenever I wanted to, and the list goes on and on. I feel lucky enough to be able to enjoy decent food, have a roof over my head, and be with my loved ones, unlike those for whom more than this pandemic, the fear of surviving hunger and reunion with their family has been a major concern. When I think about them, I reassure myself that it’ll be better if I can learn to appreciate what I have now, as no one can predict what life throws next. This journey of learning didn’t stop here but taught me many new lessons in life.
I Have Learned The Art Of Living In The Moment
Before this pandemic, I could hardly practice flowing with the current of life. But now, with the future being so uncertain, I value and live every moment of it. I don’t postpone doing good things anymore, and I do what I want to, right at that moment.
I Have Stopped Procrastinating
I always wanted to revive my passion for writing, but procrastination used to pull me back. After a long gap of some three years, I am giving it a fresh new start with this write-up.
Shamelessness Is My New Achievement!
I always wanted to do something of my own, but the shame and fear always hindered my plans. This uncertainty about the future has taken away all the shame out of me. The fear of death has infected me with a new zeal to do whatever I wanted to. Eventually, I launched my own YouTube channel!
I Have Started Loving My Workplace
I don’t get ‘Monday blues’ anymore, as I miss my colleagues, workplace, and going to the office every day. Now I realize that having a job in hand, getting paid on time, and being occupied, especially in these times of recession, and loneliness, is a blessing.
I Have Learned To Live With The Minimum
My confidence has got a new lease of life after realizing that to lead a happy life, I don’t need to be extravagant. I can manage all my housework on my own even after working from home for hours. I have stopped relying on expensive and unnecessary products. The minor imperfections of my life are no more shortcomings for me. I have learned to live happily with what I have.
I Have Become More Patient And Stronger
Coping with the stress of my loved one’s safety and well-being has turned me into a more patient and stronger individual. I have developed resilience as one of my greatest strengths.
I Have Realized That Nothing Is More Important Than Family
With the new norm of having to remain distant from each other, I have realized that I will never be left alone by my family. I have learned to value my family more than ever.
I Have Realized The Importance Of My Neighbours
At present, the only people with whom I can talk face to face apart from family are my neighbors. The people whom I once used to ignore due to the language barrier, as I am new in Chennai, have become my best companions. I have realized how happy I feel while seeing and talking with them. Above everything, I have learned to accept myself the way I am. I don’t have many expectations from myself anymore, except to practice happiness till my last breath.