A warm greeting to all my readers. I hope you are doing well, eating healthy and staying fit in this lockdown. Today’s article is about Yoga; it’s significance and why you should add Yoga to your regular exercise routine?
Yoga: Sanskrit word derived from Yuj, meaning “to unite” or “to join”. The real meaning of Yoga is not doing the physical activity, but combing the soul with the activity. It unites the soul of your body with the universe. Yoga is a practice that generated a long time ago. The roots of Yoga started in the first millennium BCE. It is practised, to date, as its benefits came across to everyone.
The origin of Yoga took place in India and even the Hindu Vedas have its reference. Patanjali is known as the father of modern Yoga and it’s popularity increased in the 20th century as Swami Vivekananda first brought Yoga to humanity. Very few people knew what Yoga was. Gradually, when people saw the benefits that it caused, it was adopted by western culture.
Why Say Yes To Yoga?
There are many benefits of practising Yoga as it is a combination of both physical and mental activity in order to reach the inner soul and release all the energy and feel calm and relaxed. Let’s take a look at the benefits:
Improves Flexibility:
Improves Balance:
It also increases the balance of the body and is an important benefit as we get older. There are poses where one stands on one leg and many asanas eventually increase the balance of the body.
Gain Control:
While doing Yoga, our mind is under our control as it requires a lot of focus and concentration. There are no distractions at that time and one feels mentally relaxed. Meditation is also a vital part of Yoga which loosens your mind and flushes all the negativity.
Builds Strength:
The real strength of the body is built in Yoga. The different asanas build up physical strength and the primary part affected is the core of the body. Almost all asanas include the core. It is the epicentre and has an overall impact on the body.
Protects from Injuries:
Doing Yoga the correct way is very good for our back posture and it keeps all the muscles and joints in motion and, hence, the risk of internal injury reduces. All the body parts also remain in shape and it prevents injuries in older adults.
These are the significant benefits of Yoga. It goes without saying that besides all these points it also has a big hand in reducing weight and keeping us in shape. Hence, we should spare some time from our regular exercise routine and add Yoga to it. It has incredible effects which are unmatchable to any other exercise you do.