Well, to talk about sex in India is almost similar to committing a crime. It is considered one of the worst topics when we talk about it openly. In front of elders and parents, it is considered very offensive of younger or any person to talk about this taboo subject. You only open up about it in front of your friends.
Accidently or mistakenly, if something related to this topic surfaces up in any general conversation, you are regarded characterless. You can be a good person or an obedient ideal student if you don’t know anything relating to sex (or at least pretend to).
It is India’s education system and cultural and religious ethics that often constrains us from speaking up our mind about sex anywhere freely. Sexual crimes like rapes and child abuses take place because of the lack of sex education in India. This is more on the psychological front of the human mind.
I don’t want to go to the depth of this topic. However, I want you to consider a physical abnormality that can cause you great harm and occurs if you lack proper sex education. Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin of the penis can’t be retracted from around the tip of the penis.
This is common in small boys and very rare for a grown-up. It is treated naturally, and in the rare case, it is circumcised when needed in older boys. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which is the skin covering the tip of the penis.
This seems very simple; however, a man who lacks sex education or is unaware of this condition is greatly troubled by this in life, becomes depressed and tensed because they are having a difficult time during intercourse. They are unsatisfied and are unable to satisfy their partner.
Imagine that awkward moment when two lovers try hard to satisfy each other physically but end up looking pretty disappointed. This wasn’t a one-time thing. They continue this way a few more times but are helpless. This makes the boyfriend furious. They think it is their partner’s fault.
No matter how hard the boyfriend tries, they can’t penetrate, making them think that their partner has some physical issues. The boyfriend is frustrated and arrives at a point where they have to take virtual support to quench their physical thirst. The boyfriend is not ready to accept for once that it might be their deformity (the king-sized male ego wouldn’t allow a guy to accept that).
The boyfriend complains about being in pain at the time of urination. After a lot of research, they realise and admit that they were suffering from the rare condition. On consultation with doctors, they realised that they have to be circumcised if they can’t retract the skin on their own.
According to the doctors, this problem would not have arisen had they been aware of this fact and had started retracting it in their adolescent days. The boyfriend did not know anything of this sort and was facing difficulty now. However, they were lucky enough to get rid of this situation without surgery by physical foreskin stretching and basic medicines.
Now, not everyone is as lucky as the boyfriend. In many cases, such conditions can lead to complex health issues like penile cancer, rashes, erectile dysfunction, difficulty in urinating, etc. It’s appalling to see how much India is lagging in sex education.
Mass awareness should be brought up on all platforms regarding sexual diseases and other related health issues. We should open up to our children and younger ones. For a change, we can also train the older section of society and encourage their wards to speak up comfortably and openly regarding their sexual health.
Let’s break the norms and start educating people so that talking about sex is no longer taboo in our society.