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How Can We Reduce Carbon Footprints As Individuals?

Carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide and others including methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases—released into the atmosphere by particular human activity. A carbon footprint can be a broad measure or be applied to the actions of an individual, a family, an event, an organization, or even an entire nation.

Some future impacts of climate change are still unknown as the science is complex and the pollution levels are rising at such a high speed that it’s difficult to estimate its actual effects. Tackling the problem of climate change isn’t something that can be done individually; everyone needs to be a part of this to make a real difference. The best way to do this is to reduce your carbon footprint on the planet by taking your everyday carbon emissions into consideration. While real solutions will require action on a global scale, there are choices you can make in your day-to-day life to lessen your personal impact on the environment.

Everything you do leaves a carbon footprint behind; not only your nose, nearly everything you do releases some amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Believe it, you can increase or decrease your carbon footprint according to your everyday choices.

We are talking about making efforts to reduce human carbon footprints at an individual level. So, here’s all you can do to give your contribution to the environment and Mother Earth. One of the most effective ways is to think and analyze how much you travel, how often, and the source of traveling. Try to use public transport, rather than your private car. You can also go for a carpool or if you are traveling alone, go for a bike, rather than a car. Keep getting your vehicle serviced at regular time intervals so that it works efficiently.

Globally, emissions are linked to what we put on our plates. Eating a vegan diet is likely the best for the environment. Beef and meat give off large amounts of carbon emissions. On average, Americans waste 40% of the food they buy. Try to lower your food waste. Don’t buy what you don’t need. If you already have something in your fridge, don’t buy more of it. There are chances that the old one gets spoiled. Try to reuse leftovers instead of tossing them. Skip the disposable dishes and wash your dinnerware instead. Washing dishes, whether it is by hand or in a dishwasher, is likely to be more environmentally friendly than using disposable ones.

There are simple changes you can make at home that will save you energy and money. Turning off appliances when you don’t use them is what we hear every time we talk about reducing electricity consumption, but, you should ensure that you turn off the appliances at the power outlet to reduce even more energy. If you live in a state where you can choose your energy supplier, pick one that runs on renewables. Try to reduce waste by recycling or reusing. Don’t throw plastic containers that come with packed food. You can use them later. Recycle paper and cans. Don’t throw working electronics, donate them.

These are some of the measures you can carry out to save your planet. Let’s protect the environment and ensure that we gift a greener and healthier planet to our children.

About the author: Riya is a pure soul, who loves to explore herself and the world around her. Writing has been magnetizing her since her early teenage years.

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