What is social distancing? Is it the physical and mental distance that you are ought to maintain with everyone you know? Or is it the moving on from living the basic lifestyle where we are way more socialised with our peers and pals?
The pandemic has hit us like a sudden strike of a meteor that we had neither been prepared for nor were we ever prepared for this culture of social distancing which is the only solution that can drop down the levels of people getting infected by the virus.
You all must have met many branches of social distancing where you have been asked to work from home, isolate yourself from the world with no meet-ups, no dates, no partying, roaming around in places or hangouts and outings. But have you landed your thoughts in a place where you have lost control of the emotional self which does not flatten like the physical bond? Have you ever tried to make efforts and strengthen your bonds with your close ones by not distancing them morally?
There are many things that have come up to be real new concepts in our lives these days, like spending immense time listening to how our mother peels potatoes with perfection which you cribbed for, “aloo kyu daala sabzi mein?”
How our father reads the whole newspaper. How mornings are away from cubicles lit up by lights without intimating the suns rays on our desks. How the streets look when no one’s there (of course from the balcony). How long the nights are if you are not tired to doze off after working the whole day. How restless and impatient your feet and mouth were that have now come to pace and the way the birds chirp without a rush or gush.
Does Social Distancing Mean Loneliness?
No, not at all. Social distancing is the maintenance of distance from people to stop the spread of the virus that comes from the ones who already have been infected, staying away from cold, cough and flu, and keeping yourself safe by holding back.
This does not mean that you have to leave all your great wishes and good wills of life and enter into the house of anxiety and sorrow. You need to stay inside the four corners and enjoy life with positivity by enjoying everything that you wished for, inside your cubicle, travelling for office and during the lazy traffic.
Do not stop talking, do not stop contacting your close ones via several means of social media, give time to your parents, fight and nag with your siblings, and also know yourself better contrary to the loud hustling life you had infused yourself into.
Groom yourself through workouts, pamper yourself by tuning on to your favourite songs, flip your albums, read a lot, cook by choice, video calls your pals and colleagues, enjoy the chamomile sip while watching the sunset from the balcony swing and enjoy the meals with all the chairs of the dining room filled.
Does Social Distancing Distance Lovers?
Do you have it in your mind somewhere that you are in love only because you guys meet? Look, the doctors who have been married off years ago, who is newly married and those who haven’t yet but of course plan to with their chosen love are in love with their other half. They too have a heart, the same feelings that you witness and fret too.
But, did they step back because they care for their family, but unconditional for saving lives who are unknown to them entirely. You cannot drop a brick on me saying “it is their duty” as you too have a duty. A duty which keeps you at home, enhance your love through social distancing, realising that love is a vast concept beyond outings and dates, and loving with keeping you inside.
When you understand what you have for your better half, you will have a thought of what those doctors have for their families and lovers when they step out of their house with no trace or track of the miles they travel or the tenure they are going to be out for service. Try to be concrete when you say you love someone, and develop your love million times more within the square foot emotionally and morally.
Is Social Distancing Difficult?
Only if you understand how easy it is, if you are inside the comfort zone of your home, with your people, having three meals a day and sleep. Ignoring social distancing can be difficult for you, your dear ones, the country for sure. It is just a habit that you need to inculcate for a cause that is greater than your boredom, self-centred reasons if any, and more than social interactions.
Trust me; if we all come out of this because of following social distancing religiously, you will be the one to clap with appreciation. And even if this is not enough for bringing the virus to a halt completely, at least you will be proud of doing your part obediently by having deceased the spread out to the millions.