It is not just something to enjoy but is a vital point to help understand the connection between the press and the political leaders. No matter how the journalists endorsed the particular spectacle, the political leaders were compelled to ponder over the event that happened in New Zealand lately.
When the journalists are forced to face hostile moments in several countries like the US, China, Egypt and other authoritarian states, it is primarily heartening to observe politeness in at least one political leadership of the present time. It has been widely admired by one and all. Though it was a minor comment from New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, it stood out as a contrast to the US President Donald Trump’s treatment of the journalists during his coronavirus press conference at the White House.
This example of New Zealand Prime Minister was worth it. She was praised for her civility towards Jason Walls, a reporter of New Zealand Herald. He forgot his question during the press briefing in regard to the coronavirus daily report. The reporter was too busy revising a livestream of the press conference on the special event.
“Sorry“, he said. “It does not matter.”
“We will come back to you. No problem,” Ardern responded.
“I do worry about your sleep at the moment, though, Jason,” remarked the PM noticing at the reporter.