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Is Your Probation Not Over? 5 Reasons Why It Might Have Been Extended

Probation Extension of An Employee

Every working professional joins a new organization with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. Especially in the first few months of employment, there is a great deal of energy and confidence to take up new challenges and accomplish them. Now, there is a fixed term for which employees are kept under training and then observed whether they are right for the job or not. This period of development and testing is known as ‘probation passing’ in which the new joinee gets confirmed, becomes a permanent employee and can avail certain benefits. The probation span usually lasts from 3 to 6 months and can be extended depending upon various factors. The employer issues a probation extension letter to the ones who are unable to match the required parameters and fail the tests.

If a decent improvement is observed in the extra time given, the probation ends otherwise there are 3 further steps:

Let us have a look at the list of reasons why the probation period of an employee is extended beyond the predefined time and what are its consequences:

To Refine Skills And Competence

After giving the green signal and hiring an employee, if a recruiter finds out that the skills and dexterity of the person required to perform the assigned tasks are not up to the mark, then the probationary period is prolonged. Notice is given and proper training is provided to work on developing/improving the missing skills within the stipulated time. If the skills are seen improving or the employee is noticed to have groomed his competencies then chances are that the confirmation letter is shared immediately.

To Meet Defined Targets/Goals

When a new employee joins an organization, there are predefined goals and objectives that he/ she is supposed to achieve in a particular time bracket. For instance, data is set and allotted in the worksheet in advance which is evaluated at the end of the probationary period. If the targets are not met or the deliverables are incomplete, the probation period is extended. The numbers are then increased and another timeline is prepared for the employee to do the needful. 

To Improve Attendance Or Punctuality

Another scenario when the probation extension letter is issued to an employee is the inability to control and maintain the required attendance, rising case of absenteeism or irregularity and tardiness. Employers get a negative vibe from the newbies who are so lethargic at the very beginning of the job. A promising and dedicated attitude towards a career can be sensed by a lazy employee. There are particular situations when taking leaves and arriving late to the office is acceptable. For that, there are options like attendance regularizations, casual & sick leaves, comp offs, etc. But, a repetitive pattern is easily recognized and the offender thus gets penalized. So,  this is one of the most uncommon yet valid reasons for delaying the confirmation of employees and giving them a chance to take work more seriously. 

To Improve Overall Performance

This reason is nothing but a total of the inability to attain the assigned targets and the lack of skills to achieve the same. As a result, the report card of the concerned employee deteriorates and the overall performance is compromised. When such symptoms are observed leading to failure in the regular contests and tests, the probation period is extended so that it can be judged whether the employee is fit for the job or not. 

To Punish For An Offense

In the first few months of joining (probation period), if an employee is caught breaking any law or infringing the company policies, then strict action is immediately taken against the offender. Now, this punishment is generally an extension of probation and if no improvement in behaviour is observed then a warning letter ending in termination in the worst-case scenario. Thus, extending the probation term is nothing but a second chance given to the new employees to redeem themselves and start over fresh. 

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