Called by the name of ‘Paradise’, Kashmir invariably makes the news. Either national or international, we are having daily tidings about the valley. Usually, two aspects of a thing make it be news either good or bad aspect. What aspect it is of Kashmir making it make the news? Is it bad or good? If we ask someone foreign to the vale this question, they will surely say that it is the best making it be in news.
But if we look around, mostly as portrayed by media, the picture that is conceived is that of the bleak, bad and gloominess. Is Kashmir so? Is it the reality or the mask? Well, we all know that what makes the news of Kashmir is its goodness, beauty, and serenity. It is because of the way the things have been distorted or twisted that makes others develop negative thinking about the very beautiful Kashmir.
What is the reality being that Kashmir remains an accommodating, welcoming, and beautiful place for everyone whether foreign or domestic? No doubt, owing to the political crises, the situation has derailed but such things are passing and no longer permanent.
Kashmiri Youth
The political crises of Kashmir have impacted its youth considerably, mostly negatively. The first thing to affect them is the muscle and military might, propelling them to do things this or that way. At times getting tortured and humiliated at the hands of the security forces has negatively, indelibly and adversely affected their outlook about the country. So much where they pained and maimed that they raised their voices against the Indian state, leading them to be labelled as being anti-nationals.
Not only have they turned against the state, but have aligned or supported either overtly or covertly to what India considers their enemies. Accepted that the youth do or say against India, but does anybody ever think what propels them to such extremes. Why are they on the path which is deemed to be in divergence? Another propaganda against them is that they dance to the tunes of somebody else mainly for monetary considerations. This allegation suffers, however, from naked bias. It is the procedural moves instead of the substantive ones that have been taken against them prompting them to in such ways.
To clarify the issue, if a person is robbed of his property or any other belongings before him, would he still be mute and not act? A reaction to such an incident would be a natural corollary whether violent or not. The same applies to the Kashmiri youth. They have been largely deprived of their due share turning them to be so aggressive, otherwise, the known fact is that Kashmiris are known for the virtues as bonhomie, amicability, and generosity.
What Is The Solution?
Firstly, the mechanisms rectifying wrongs done to the people must be set in motion, so that the people not least the youth develop a better understanding of the Idea of India which is inclusive and not exclusive. Then the awareness campaigns have to be devised to reach out to the people to assess their sense of resentment and then policies should be formulated accordingly –through national interest is kept on the top.
The atmosphere of terror and horror has to be minimised in a way that the youth are not left with any pretext of being the ‘Other’.They need assurance that they are in us and we are in them. Employment avenues are to be put in place to engage them in the process of state-building. In short, the system is to be made in such a way that people themselves voluntarily get embedded into it promising the ideals of protection, prosperity, and progress.
Kashmiri youth need a welcoming and accommodating gesture from your side, the moment it is signalled, all will turn up to your call with open arms.