People all over the world are getting affected by the coronavirus and many are losing their lives. In India, 396 positive cases have been reported so far. No doubt India is continuously trying to aware its citizens about the outbreak and precautions one should be taking. I respect these steps, and I personally respect those who have helped us in such kinds of situation. I heartily thank them. On March 22nd, I’ll respect the ‘Janata curfew’ by staying at home, to prevent myself as well as others from getting infected.
I was listening to the sound of the banging of steel plates, clapping and so on, and started thinking if clapping or banging steel plates is really a form of respecting the frontline staff. Banging steel plates and clapping are easy tasks, but it is very important to give these people a space to speak, as their voice is important for them and also for us. One person asked me, “Did you not clap for the people who helped us?” I was silent at that time, but here I try to reply that.
A person can show their respect to others through writing. A person can respect others by their kind behavior. I talked to sweepers so many times and found that people respect them only on one day – 2nd October. After that, they try to maintain distance from them. Many humiliate them because of their work. Simply clapping and talking in a few words about them can’t be helpful for them.
Many a times, we have seen or listened in the news about the medical staff going on protests for their rights – an increase in wages, demanding for sufficient number of employees, demanding for better facilities at their work place, and so on. Once can respect the medical staff by providing and fulfilling these demands, which are necessary in hospitals for doctors and other staff members. They should be given a fair space in the media to speak about these requirements.
I feel these things represent true respect for them. We expect good training centers for journalism, so that we get impartial news. We expect more well-equipped hospitals in India. We expect a corrupt-free India. Thanks to them, who helped us in situations of stress or conflict, not only during corona, but otherwise.