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Why there is a Nationwide Unrest ?

Why A Guerrilla Warfare is trending in our country nowadays? It is absolutely happening first time in our country after independence.A rampant protest, mob lynching against CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act ) .It has been spreading to every corner of our society. Mass destruction of national property, hunger strike, vandalism are likely trending currently. I bet almost all protesters have a little idea about CAA and NRC . They are completely biased and prejudiced.They have no idea that for what and why they have been instigated to spread a mass destruction.If they protest in a peacefully way then it is alright. As in our constitution there is provisions of freedom of speech and press .But the agony is a eight year old holding a placard full of English verses is a sufficient evidence of mastermind playing behind the curtain. Then what is CAA and why they protest ? Some fear that CAA allegedly violates the cultural identities of our country. Other fear that it will harm the linguistic and cultural identity of some netizens.Some mingle CAA with NRC . According to CAA , Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Jain , Sikh ,Parsi migrants who have entered India illegally, without a visa-on or before December 31 2014 from Muslim majority countries like Afghanistan,Pakistan and Bangladesh, those are staying in India for five years have the eligibility to apply for Indian citizenship.                                            As these six religiously believers have faced persecution in these above mentioned Islamic countries.   .     So this act only covers persecuted people.The controversy and questions lie in excluding Srilankaiyon Hindus and Rohingya ,migrants from Myanmar.But our home minister has repeatedly declared that during 1960 and 1970 India had covered all Hindu migrants from Sri Lanka. Next to that India has declared Rohingya as a threat to our country’s security. Some argue that it may violate the fundamental rights of Article 14 which is entitled equality for all .But our Union Government is arguing that CAA will entitle citizenship to those refugees who have no paperwork and that is why facing persecution after being caught. Then what is NRC ? Since 1951 National Registration of Citizens has been implemented.Recently,NRC has been updated.NPR, NRC and CAA
Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 define that a usual resident of a locality is an individual who has resided there over the past 6 months or the person who wishes to reside in the locality over the next 6 months. Getting entered in the NPR is mandatory for all residents irrespective of whether they are Indian or foreign nationals. NPR seeks to create a comprehensive database of identity of every usual citizen in the nation. The data is used only for deciding on the various government policies and welfare schemes.
Census conducted every 10 years is the enumeration of the population of the country. The details found in the census about individuals are far more comprehensive and inclusive.
The recently passed CAA intends to amend the definition of illegal immigrants of Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Christian and Buddhist faiths from countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who live in India without documentation. These individuals will be granted Indian Citizenship within the next six years.
NPR and NRC: key differences
NPR (National Population Register) and NRC (National Register of Citizens) are quite different from each other since NRC does not include foreign citizens. NPR’s scope and purpose are limited and for entering the person to the list, the details presented by the individual by word of mouth are only considered and no document proof is required as mandated in case of NRC.
As per the Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards rules 2003, ‘National Register of Indian Citizens’ will present details of every Indian citizen including Name, Father’s name, Mother’s name, Sex, Date of birth, Place of birth, Residential address both present and permanent, Marital status in case the person is married, name of the spouse; identification mark, Date of registration of Citizen, Serial number of registration, and National Identity Number.In Assam, the indigenous people fear that NRC will exclusively benefit illegal Bengali Hindu migrants from Bangladesh. They apprehend that the Bangladeshi Hindu immigrants may outnumber the original Assamese speaking people of the state. Noway CAA is connected to NRC . NRC ,excluding Assam has been implemented nowhere in our country.Our honourable home minister has already declared that he will frame a Nationwide NRC by 2024 . There should be a vigilant awareness approach towards our country about NRC of Assam also . As not even in Assam, NRC has excluded Muslims. 1.9 million people excluded from NRC which 1.3 million are Hindu and indigenous tribes.Even in Assam NRC has a different context which is continuing since 1951.The simple reason the massive intrusion of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.So the state accord accepts a person as a legal Indian who has entered to Assam before March 25 ,1971 or whose name has featured in the voter list between 1951 to 1971.The basis of NRC in this state is Identity card ,Voter ID ,Passport driving licence ,Aadhaar card , insurance papers,documents related to home or land issued by GOVERNMENT.An illiterate person without any relevant documents can bring witness or community verification. Then why there is a wild agitation,unrest between Muslims across the country? Basically people with raw and misguided information confuse between these two Acts .Actually NRC reveals that there is no provision for the exclusion of a legal Muslim citizen. But CAA does exclude illegal Muslims, who have entered India from our three neighbouring countries. However CAA will provide citizenship to Non -Muslims illegal immigrants of three countries. As per the latest updates only Muslim illegals will be left out when CAA will be rolled out. Basically there is faith that almost all the above mentioned six faiths have been continuously received threats in the Muslim States. Our constitution has enshrined numerous rights as well as duties. So while cramming for the basic rights we should not forget the duties that we have to perform for our country.So vandalising , torching and burning train,bus are not at all a wise step to forward. It’s purely unconstitutional. Before the embarkment of the exercise of these actions Government would have been executed an awareness programme to enabling public mass consciousness .Govt also needs to put in ,a space for these outsiders   .   Because India still doesn’t have detention centres to keep illegal migrants.Without making the entire scenario chaotic,our Government should categorically and genuinely exclude the infiltrators.By keeping inside the genuine original netizens of Assam ,an exemplary registration of citizens is needed for maintaining the dignity and sovereignty of our  country intact.

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