I am a girl born in a country where I am told, in my own home, how to sit, how to walk, how to laugh, how to stand, all even before I enter puberty. I am a girl born in a country where I was taught, in my school, what is the appropriate length my skirt is supposed to be, to wear shorts under my skirt, to wear ‘proper inners’. Do you know why? Because I am a girl, born in India, where girls are told “अपनी इज्जत अपने हाथ” (My honour is in my hands.)
And then one day a notification flashed on my screen informing me about a 14-point ‘advisory’ issued by the Hyderabad police for girls and women on how to ‘protect’ themselves from rape.
I am waiting for your ‘advisory’ for two-month-old girls on how to protect themselves from rape. I hope to see your advisory for boys and men on how to control themselves.
Thanking you,
A girl born in a country where instead of strict laws against rape we get advice.