December Of 2019
This week has been nothing less than a flashback to the 1930s Germany. Humanity has shown again what it is capable of. Human beings have unleashed their repressed sadism, and this time, as always, their targets are unarmed students. The Indian government has unleashed violence over unarmed students who were just exercising their rights as citizens.
Democracy in our country was never real, but who knew it was capable of killing people for just standing up for themselves! Apparently, organizing peaceful protests is not allowed anymore in our country; a country whose existence came into being because of peaceful protests.
Let me narrate a scenario and please judge for yourself, if this is a democracy:
A government comes up with a bill, which, quite surprisingly, is a communal statement in itself and just bulldozes it through parliament because of their overwhelming majority. None of the opposing voices are taken into account, and just like that, the bill becomes a law.
People, quite naturally, who are opposed to the idea of that bill becoming a printed statement in our country’s constitution—which also promises them their right to disagree—decide to take their protest to the streets. What happens with them? They are violently suppressed, even killed. The police forces take to the streets and assault the peaceful protestors and terrorise all the voices who stand against the government. Not only that, the government suffocates those people by imposing an internet ban so that the world continues to live as if nothing has happened.
Some college students take to the streets and protest, Indian-ly, yes, ‘Indian-ly’. And what do they get in return? Lathi-charge, tear gas shells and death. To protect themselves from this brutality, they run into the library and lock themselves inside. And what do the forces do? They make a concentration camp out of that locked room by firing tear gas inside it.
A Dark Day In Our Country’s Democracy
To be honest, who are we complaining against? At the end of the day, this government was democratically elected. We, the people of India, gave them an overwhelming majority, and well, as a result, they are moulding the country into their idea of India. These elected representatives were never going to uphold constitutional values. It doesn’t matter if they took an oath to protect it. Their very existence depends on their opposition to the constitution and to the idea of India that the constitution was made to protect.
They are doing everything in their power to mould this country out of shape, to manufacture the promised saffron land.