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#CAA , No threat to the muslim community of india.

This message is in favour of CAA but I can’t say NRC is right.



The muslim community of India.

There is some misconception about CAA. Assam case is totally a different case. Don’t get frightened from the actions the Government is taking in Assam. In Assam, NRC was necessary to save Assam indigenous culture from intruders who entered after 1971. This decision was given by the Supreme court . Now the govt. also changing the cutoff date for Assam NRC.

In India, nobody is gonna eliminate you except those who are of these countries Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan entered in India after 2014. Persecuted minorities like Parsi, Sikh, jain , buddhist, hindu are welcome to India, and they will have to go through some procedure to get Indian citizenship.

Let’s talk about the fear, the muslim community is feeling right now….

What they think first, after reading CAA…

Muslim community: “Oh! There is no word mentioning about Muslims migrants. So Government is gonna treat us as second class citizens and this is violation of Article 14. Let’s protest.”

Govt. View: ” In India, you people come in minority. This CAA is for persecuted minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan. But in these above three countries you come in majority. Why would India let majority ( as muslims people in above said countries) to come in after 2014 ? Why do you want muslims from Pakistan to enter in your own country when they are already living there without any persecution .If the CAA were irrespective of Indian constitution then parliament wouldn’t have implemented it.”

Muslim community : ” Oh ! In Assam , Govt. is eliminating muslims by using NRC . ” Now they are also gonna implement on us.”

Govt. View: “That NRC is specially for assam State. It would be different from Assam state if we deploy NRC in other states of India. One thing, It was Assam govt. first who wanted to implement NRC in their state because in order to eliminate intruders to save their indigenous culture.”

Conclusion in my point of view…
Only God knows who is right. But one thing is clear CAA is not a threat to the muslim community. It would be NRC if they deploy like the one in Assam in which we have to prove citizenship before 1971 which includes elimination from any religion whether it’s hindu or muslim in case of insufficient documents.

******* Just a view *******

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