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Arbitrary use of power by AIr force authorities

My grivences DARPG/E/2019/01646, PMOPG/E/2019/0342878, PRSEC/E/2019/13463 and MODEF/E/2019/04858 is closed by air force authority by stating that AFA sec 73 notes 10.2 and 13.1 is not applicable in my case is not a sufficient cause to close my case. Air force authority must explain briefly whether I was not acting rank of sergeant when court martial concluded on 14 Nov 98 or AFA sec 73 notes 10.2 and 13.1 is stating wrongly. Because when court martial concluded I was acting rank of sergeant and A COURT MARTIAL DOES NOT DEAL WITH ACTING RANK as per AFA sec 73 notes 10.2 stated, and AFA sec 73 notes 13.1 states that acting rank is not recognised in the sentence of court martial and document attached in PDF format in grivences proved beyond reasonable doubt that when court martial concluded I was acting rank of sergeant. Hence it is requested to highest authority of India to reinstate the individual on IAF at the earliest because court martial concluded on 14 Nov 98 was Illegal as per attached documents in PDF format in grivences. Thanks

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