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the education system, finding the purpose of eduation


The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. – John Fitzgerald Kennedy


The education is the key to create a better world or universe. As all the notable leaders merely did not talk about education they all elaborated the importance of the knowledge or education but a few told about what after getting the education ? Is it enough to collect the degrees of bachelors or masters to be like a educated citizen ? Actually NO. Education or study needs a next level of policies and a specific goal. Now a days the scenario is that every person is in race of collecting the degrees or it will not be wrong if anyone says that he is studying for the money or for the ‘Naukri(job)’. No body wants to study for the passion ,for the reason, for serving, for leading. merely any student will say that he wants to be a politician or leader of any nation the child he or she will only say that he/she wants to be a doctor, an engineer etc. (what does his/her parents tell).Because i am living in India and the parenting level of Indians is at worse. The government and the citizen both have to feed the mind of upcoming generation. Some steps the government should take and some should be taken by the individuals.

Government should maintain a good level of education by providing the better than best opportunities of the youth by which the student will think more than about getting only the jobs. The America became the Great America by hiring the global minds not by looting the resources like the Great Britain. A nation which understand the use of education will automatically become a super power like Germany, after the Nazi rule, taking very less time Germany become a well nation again. Comparing to India, India was almost ruined by the British like Germany was ruined but Germany gave the physics or science an importance  and become the most suitable destination for the science student whereas the India fighting for the better policies and opportunities.

The parents think that, by spending a good amount they will make their child a good person a well professional. Wrong the parenting level counselling of the child is as much important as the schooling level. Give a proper purpose or proper guidance to study do not be panic if your child is not wining the race make him able to be the part of the race he/she will definitely win the race if he will become the better than the best. Every morning ask your children about their daily goals and ask them again at dusk. Give them a proper space. You only can give them a environment, purposes surely they will be what they want not what you want.


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