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What A Dangerous World We Are Living In!

Oh! What a dangerous world we are living in. Where everywhere is darkness and everywhere is death ! Where bodies connect instantly but hearts are stretched out. Where sex is available quite easily but love is nowhere to be found!

3000 people lose their lives every year because of potholes compared to 500 due to terror. Yet we give more value to one disease than the other.

This country, where we all claim to love and pledge to never cheat, yet we throw garbage everywhere and pee on the street.

7 of the 10 most polluted cities in the world are in this country, the water table is so low that cities like Chennai and Bangaluru are on the brink of ground zero. Everywhere I see air quality is substandard and water is scarce; if this doesn’t frighten us I don’t know what else will make us scared!

40 soldiers were martyred in a bomb blast and because of encephalitis and lack of doctors, 200 children died; one makes the nation’s blood boil but on the other, we prefer to stay quite!

How can I sleep peacefully when the climate is changing expeditiously, scorching up the heat, where a woman’s body is considered just a piece of meat!

Women considered a deity in our country are raped every hour whether they are dressed in a sari, skirt or diaper; yet it is not enough to make this country hyper.

Everyone says politicians make us fight yet we are following them so blindly that they have made a national leader Godly!

Mobs wearing the ‘shawl’ of religion gang up on one person and fight; forgetting even Rama paid tributes to Ravana when he died!

The health rate is decreasing every day and hospitals lack bed, doctors charge such huge sums of cash from the poor that they would rather want to be dead!

We dream of a 5 trillion economy but basic employment is nowhere to be found, 15% of the population is starving and may soon turn into hounds!

Fruits and vegetables are exorbitant and are full of chemicals and pesticides, Girl children in the 21st century are still the victims of infanticide!

This whole idea of ‘i will do what makes me happy’ is killing our society, its high time we realise that depression is real and 1 out of 3 are suffering from anxiety.

Everywhere I see is black and everything seems to be in decline, makes me wonder is it all darkness or am I the one who is blind?

But I still believe in love even when I have no clue because a wise man once said: “If you believe goodness is dead than what are you? “.

Even when everyone seems to be on the path of hate and are killing and dying, I will take love on my both hands and either will succeed or will die trying!

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