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6 Quotes From Einstein That Will Inspire You To Keep Hustling

German-American Physicist Albert Einstein. He developed the general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Albert Einstein is one of the biggest names in Science, History, and the History of Science. Along with Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei, he is one of the three fathers of Physics. Throughout his life, Albert Einstein gave birth to many theories and conducted many experiments that proved to be some of the many foundation stones of modern-day Physics.

Einstein wasn’t known only for his theories and experiments. He was also known and appreciated for his inspiring and thought-provoking quotes.

Now, let me share and explain some of the quotes by one of the greatest human beings ever to exist:

1. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Life is a journey built on lessons. If you do something and fail at it or don’t get the desired result, it’s okay. However, if you keep doing the same thing again and again and expect that you’ll get the desired result, you’re wrong, my friend. If you are not good at one thing, try something else. There are a lot of options for you to choose from and the thing that you’ll be naturally good at, that will be your passion, and that’s what you should focus on.

2. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

It’s a well-known theory that the universe is infinite and Einstein compares it with human foolishness, saying that both are infinite. He adds that he isn’t sure about the universe. This means that we are not sure if the universe is finite or infinite, we just call it infinite because we haven’t explored every bit of it. However, one thing that Einstein is sure of is that human foolishness is infinite. And that’s true.

3. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Everyone has experienced learning to ride a bicycle in their childhood. To learn how to keep your balance without the training wheels, you must keep riding the bicycle. Einstein thinks life works similarly, and he isn’t wrong. To learn something and then to become comfortable with it, you must keep practising. This quote also has the essence of a very simple saying “practice makes perfect”.

4. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Queries and doubts are natural. It’s human nature to have doubts, and there’s nothing wrong with it. It benefits us in a lot of ways. Not only does questioning make it possible for us to add on to or build on a theory or a fact, but it also helps in increasing our knowledge. Curiosity is just one of the things that make humans different from other living beings.

5. “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Let’s say you are interested in doing something, and you really want to do it perfectly; however, you are afraid that you will fail. Do you think you’ll ever be able to do it? Well, the answer can be yes, but you won’t do it with full enthusiasm and motivation. This is called “playing safe”. You should take some risks in life that make you feel that something good can come out of taking risks. Also, it’s ok to fail. Failure should not be seen as a destroyer; it should be seen as a teacher.

6. “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

Logic is not everything. Although there’s nothing wrong with following logic, it tends to restrain your mind from opening up. If we only keep living off hard facts and logic, there’ll be no room for innovation and invention. So, set your mind free and let that imagination run wild and who knows, you might be the next Einstein or Newton.

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