Dangal actress Zaira Wasim announced her disassociation from the film industry on her Facebook page and it led to a hurricane of debates, tweets, posts and counter-opinions. In the world of ubiquitous social media, eager readers began posting counter-views and trolls, as usual to the dismay of the two-film-old actress.
The direction that this debate has entered into is one of the many ones that it could possibly take! Here are some of the points that have been raised in the debate on Zaira Wasim quitting Bollywood:
1) Are Other Muslim Actors Any Lesser Followers Of Islam?
Religion is one thing and making a decision based on its teachings is completely fine. But quoting it as one of the reasons to quit one’s field of work not only puts the religion in the seemingly problematic light of intolerance but also undermines other fellow workers of the Bollywood fraternity.
2) Zaira’s Decision To Quit Films Is Her Personal Choice, Marred By Futile Debate On Religion
Most importantly, regarding the verses that she has quoted from the holy book – who will do the unbiased, fair and true interpretation of it? It is subject to multiple or rather say, different connotations.
Zaira has, however clearly written, “Success is the accomplishment of the purpose of our creation. We have forgotten the purpose we were created for as we ignorantly continue to pass through our lives; deceiving our conscience.”
This statement reflects her decision is a well-thought one!
3) Zaira Could Indeed, Have Refrained From Writing Such A Long Post On Facebook, Just To Announce Her Disassociation
Yet again, it requires no reiteration that the verses she has quoted in the post shows the individuality in her decision-making. I don’t believe it is a decision being forced upon her! She has elaborated her reasons in the light of the Holy Quran and Imaan. Later on, the actress also clarified that her social media accounts have not been hacked and these are her very own words.
What I see in this debate, is a great opportunity for all of us to understand the real meaning of the Holy Quran and not just rely on clerics for its interpretation.