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Bizarre, But True: US President Trump Thinks Kidneys Are Placed Next To The Human Heart

Ceasing level of IQ or cursory ability of gauging one’s ingenuity remains visible by what one most often expresses in one’s daily perception on various things.

This is supported by the recent point uttered by the President of the United States Donald Trump about kidneys.

He specifically claimed, “The kidney has a very important place in the heart.” Medical experts must have been surprised but honestly, it appeared more awkward than anything else to the person on the street. For clarification, the kidneys are a bean-shaped human organ located against the back muscles in the upper abdominal area. It sits a little lower than the left to accommodate the size of liver, another vital bodily organ.

According to the All About Kidneys section of the National Kidney Foundation website, as The Guardian mentions, the kidneys most people born with the two, are in your lower back. While the NBC news reporter say that the human heart is in middle of your chest, in between your right and left lung. It is however slightly tilted to the left.

When the explanation is clear as a layman could fathom easily, what really caused the flaw on part of the mightiest country’s president? Was it because of the IQ he possessed not being equal to the score of 169, the level possessed by John Quincy Adams? Even Thomas Jefferson and John F Kennedy were much better in their respective mental skills. Trump’s medical views are worthy of serious consideration.

It was also said he may have been stressing the value of a healthy kidney to American populace. But his wrong perception of human anatomy spurs every bone in our bodies! Extending his riff with the medical specialists, he has thus invited criticism on his casual viewpoint.

It is here Trump looks like former INC leader Rahul Gandhi when he was supposed to have overlooked the marked difference between two phrases like ‘write off’ and ‘waive off.’ Maybe primary teachers who say that the Ganges begins from the Bay of Bengal and goes up to the Himalayas also think the same way. All signs that for some, the sun sets in the direction opposite to the one set in the compass.

Trump seemed to have given fresh knowledge to the younger generation by changing nature’s scheme of things. Will they learn this kidney theory in the time to approach or raise strong objection at direct disregard to the nature’s creation of human anatomy?

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