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Who Decides What Is Normal Or More Importantly, What Is Not?

All of us living right now are judged on the scales of normality. In my opinion, normality is nothing more than how people portray themselves when they are amidst each other. Only a few have the courage and the honesty to show their true selves to the world around them. But they do that and forget that everyone around them still pretends. I think people pretend to be what they are not or only a part of what they are. Nobody has the courage of truly opening up because everyone is scared that they’ll be judged on these frivolous scales.

They abide by this myth and become ideal members of society and no one questions what it is they do when they’re away from it all. In fact, there is no singular normality when it comes to human beings, we are all different, all unique. So, how is normality possible?

Normality is a concept that can be used when we address certain traits that should ideally be instilled in human being. According to me, these include things like manners, morality, respect and issues related to these ideals. But we judge whole people on scales of normality. Who decides what is normal or more importantly what is not? That’s where the problem arises, we have scales of normality but they vary depending on the society or the people. Who is judging as the cultures, backgrounds and people of every single society is different? So, if normality is not standardised,  what purpose does it serve?

Do Many People Live Dual Lives?

That’s the point, normality is of no use when it comes to whole people, as we are all different. It would be like comparing three completely different people in an attempt to find an average type and calling that average normality. But then only accepting people who fit that exact average or else trying to make them fit the average. In the process, many people start leading dual lives, one for the sake of normality in society so that they are accepted and the other in which they are themselves. So why do so many people follow this false sense of normality? Why can’t we let people be themselves and why do they have to hide their realities for acceptance?

Isn’t the whole idea of acceptance to be accepted the way you are? Then why aren’t people accepted?

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