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The Urgent Need To Stop Associating Terrorism With Religion

One of the widely criticized and deliberated upon problems of this world is terrorism. This word need no introduction. It seems to be as natural as oxygen. Terrorism is a global challenge, not one country remains unaffected by this menace. It has spread like a disease and every individual is affected by it, either impacted or charmed by it.

However, linking terrorism to any particular religion is a gross mistake. Terrorism is not a religious phenomenon that is affected by the religious principles, rather it is an ideology which is purported by selfish and individualistic motives. Terrorism and religion are two separate terms and cannot be linked at any cost. Statistically, it may be possible that most terrorists claim to belong to one religion but that does not gave us a license to link this inhuman practice with something pristine and pious like faith.

Every religion is beautiful and unique. If we analyze the teachings of different religion, every religion is more or less the same. Each religion focuses on turning a savage beast into a human being. No religion promotes the use of violence in any manner.

We have to understand that there are many reasons for the emergence of terrorism. One of the most prominent is that people are not satisfied with the present political regime and adopt violent measures to overthrow it. Another reason may be that in order to promote selfish propaganda of one ethnic group, terrorism is promoted.

The ‘one country, one religion’ doctrine may actually be the most gruesome form of terrorism. It could give way to ethnic cleansing i.e. killing of people of one particular religion, race or ethnicity. The ISIS is affected by this ideology and has been undertaking inhumane practices in Iraq and Syria to achieve homogeneity.

One of the most influential effects of terrorism is the brain washing of young minds. It has widespread repercussions.

Before linking these two different terms, i.e. religion and terrorism, we should answer some questions. How is linking terrorism to religion detrimental? How is this linking doing more harm than good?

We have to realize that when we relate terrorism with religion, it just aggravates the problem. It will misguide gullible youngsters and fuel hatred against one religion. This hatred also allows a sense of fake reasoning that one’s religion provides justification to terrorism. This illogical reasoning serves as a cloak of truth for those who engage in acts of terror. It is clearly evident that religion and terrorism should not be mixed at all, as this will serve as a threat to the entire society.

We should always apply our own reasoning while accepting facts. Some fake reporters or cunning politicians will try to associate terrorism with religion but it is up to us to identify their hidden motives.

In a nutshell, our main motive should be the curbing of this barbaric activity rather associating it with religion to let it continue to fuel political propaganda.

Featured image for representative purpose only.
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