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Is ‘Bharat Mata’ Becoming A Misologist’s Paradise?

Gone are the days of saying, “If you disagree with me, it is OK. But, I will still defend your freedom to express your disagreement.” Instead, a nation of unthinking creatures is systematically constructed to serve the interests of misologists. If you dare to think, question or disagree, you are either an “urban naxal” or “anti-national”. Apex fallacy has benefited a lot of nationazists (not nationalists, here) in “lynching” the voices of dissent, leading to increase in the number of “sedition” charges for non-complying with the nature of today’s status quo.

Misologists are the ones who dislike “reasoning” (scientific thinking) at all cost. It’s not that they’re too lazy to think. It is lucid enough to confirm that misologists are the ones who are lecherous for achieving power, sustaining the chair and would do everything to scorn free thinking and liberty to express at every level. Is it not evident from the fact that India’s global ranking on free speech index (measured by the RWB/Reporters Without Borders) has fallen from 134th in 2014 to 140th in 2019?

As long as India is above Pakistan (142nd) on this index, it is reasonable, fine and perfectly OK! All the “reasoning” or “logic” that we see mostly in the public sphere and media space is around Pakistan (India’s favourite “parameter of comparison”). But, the comprehension of misology does not stop here. The rise of toadies (trollers, abusers and hyper-nationalists) on social media has added more fuel to the fire, eventually intimidating the scope of critical consciousness and free thinking.

In its findings (2019), “The Equality Lab” has highlighted that 37% of the content on Facebook was anti-Muslim. Fake News and casteism constituted 16% and 13% respectively. Hate speech against sexuality made up to 13%, followed by 60% of content on Facebook India constituting of the anti-Ambedkar memes/messages. Verily, the data has not been discussed in the mainstream media yet. For reasons commonly known.

August Landmesser, a lone man who refused to do the Nazi salute, 1936. Image source:

The history of the political economy continues to tell us that power has not just corrupted the minds of parasites, but it has also dehumanized the art of questioning. I hope the humans learn from history well. In Nazi Germany, a worker, August Landmesser (the man who did not salute Adolf Hitler) had to visit “concentration camp” later on. In today’s epoch, you are likely to be beaten, jailed or may be killed (if you do not happen to “move to Pakistan”) for disagreeing with the misologists in India.


Jai Shri Ram! (Do not kill me)

Bharat Mata ki Jai! (Do not beat me)


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