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To My Sister Feminists: Are We Living A Big Little Lie?

Feminism women

To my sister feminists,

I sometimes wonder if it is just us.

We the educated women on social media, influenced and following the news, keeping a window open for the outrage to come in, to hear those voices we retweet, to sympathize, empathize, raise our voices.

Is our cacophony heard outside this bubble? Or does it just bounce around and settle down. Is our very critical, stirring, wrath spitting conversation just that. Ours. No one else’s?

Is the fire you spit, just for me to catch. And not for those who it is meant to burn.

Is the world outside our bubble changed by the vigour within it? Or is it that we, with our angst-filled infinity stones, created our own ‘upside down’, for us to vent in.

Are we changing the world? Or is it still run by men minus not-all-men but all in it together?

When we left one window open for our own, did we shut the blinds too tight for reality to fall in?

Are we living in the shadows?

If only our multiverse did not have a door to the real world. If only our bubble was not part of the real world. If only the word real, was a delusion.

But my dear sisters. I do not write this to you to disappoint you or to undermine our struggles. Because if not for this bubble, if not for this blanket of security, the shadows would have enveloped us long ago.

What I am questioning is that have we- the bubble inhabitants- hegemonized feminism. We left the ones unlike us behind, the ones not on social media, the ones with strangled, gagged voices. As a sisterhood born to fight discrimination, we obviously set out to break that wheel. I am afraid, our ignorance might create another wheel instead.

So here’s me, stepping out of our comfy bubble, holding the door open, and beginning the conversation for inclusion.

Let us shout out on their behalf as well, so that they find a place in our bubble. Then maybe. Maybe. I dare say. Our bubble will be large enough to veil the real.

P.S.- ‘My sister feminists’ is my alternative for ‘bro’ or ‘dude’, completely gender neutral.


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