Recently, our Bollywood khiladi Akshay Kumar had a “non-political” discussion with our PM, Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi, which was aired on April 24, 2019, after the third phase of polling. It was clarified beforehand that this interview will steer away from politics, and will be an insight into Mr. Modi’s life.
Shri Modi, who otherwise seems intimidating, shared his childhood stories, the kind of music he likes; in short, they shared a casual banter, the kind you’d have with a friend over a cup of tea.
But, since it’s been aired on various news channels and social media platforms, it has garnered a lot of negative traction. It’s strange, because people inherently love conversations every now and then, but of course, Mr. Modi being our Prime Minister has no right to relax.
From the Opposition to renowned journalists, everyone took a jab at the interviewer and the interviewee. The question that drew everyone the most, amongst all others, was whether our PM likes mangoes and if he does, how does he eat them. This question, as stated by the Kesari actor, was from his driver’s daughter. This made Mr. Modi nostalgic, and he went on to discuss his childhood days. I don’t find anything wrong or funny in this question.
For some people, it was an inappropriate topic of discussion in the first place, considering the person in question is the PM. But why? What is wrong if a PM is questioned about his favorite mangoes or his taste in music? Does being the PM, deprive him of his right to like and talk about things that we as commoners enjoy? Does being a political figure deprive him of the right to relax?
Yes, I completely agree that elections are on and all parties must put their minds and hearts only to winning, but do students only study during exams? Do they never take out any time for recreation?
While the Opposition has been busy commenting on Modi’s interview and how being a political figure, it is quite absurd on his part to have such talk shows, they seem to have forgotten the ‘exclusive interview‘ of the ex-President of INC, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi that she had given to Rajdeep Sardesai about two years ago.
We live in an environment where having an apolitical mind is impossible, no matter if you are a housewife, an engineer, a doctor, a farmer or a media person. Media, which is considered to be the fourth pillar of democracy, often becomes the target of people, because even though it claims to be unbiased, it somewhere is not. For instance, Ravish Kumar, whose sarcasm is well known to all and is regarded as the pioneer of unbiased journalism, sliced up PM Modi’s recent interview just like the much talked about mangoes we slice. Well, why wouldn’t he? After all, he had asked the young leader Kanhaiya Kumar tough questions like his plans of getting married.
So you see having non-political conversations with political figures is something that shouldn’t raise eyebrows. Everyone wants to talk about things that mitigate their tension, be it a commoner, a celebrity or a political figure, and also taking interest in the personal lives and likes of our politicians is not wrong, even if it is the PM, a new emerging politician or a seasoned politician.
P.S- On a lighter note, mangoes and memes are two favorite M(s) of all Indians.