Time is ticking. The cookoo has warned you every now and then. The thunderstorm is here again to take every piece of you and serve the scavengers. Why is it that every riot makes you feel one? Why is it that you show solidarity when Myanmar tries to wash away the blood of your brothers? When it comes to be a part of democracy, why a part of everyone of us shouts aloud, Greed!

I remember when people marched on foot after the Friday prayer for the rights of Burmese Muslims. I recall every post posted to show the pain of Syrian children who died in the war and I also recall when an Undivided India fails to show up leaders from a community which can hold a total of 70+ seats in the Parliament to voice their rights; which further leads to no people coming on the streets to protest against the one-sided behaviour of the government when in the broad daylight an Akhlaq or Qasim is killed in the name of ‘Dharm’ by its so called ‘Rakshaqs’.
I am here criticizing every Indian Muslim who feel disheartened when people call them Pakistani or judge them when they say ‘I like Shahid Afridi’; ‘well, obviously’. No, it’s not like that.
I am here criticizing every Mullah who shouts and tell people how the government is not doing anything for their welfare when he himself knows nothing but to spit gutkha on the streets.
I am here criticizing every Muslim parent who don’t let their kids go to school because they listen to their Maulvi Sahab and think western education will shatter their whole idea of Islam. Being an educated Muslim is far better than staying illiterate and bragging of being Islamic.
What Is The Whole Point?
A professor was awarded ticket from JMM last Lok Sabha election in Jharkhand. Prof. Javed could have spoken for the welfare of every individual of his community. He was an educated person and could have worked (or at least forced the authorities) for the upliftment of the education system in his constituency at least.
The only reason why people refrained from voting him, and every single Muslim is to be blamed, was his caste i.e, Iraqi and not Ansar. Idiots, and you say you are ill-treated!
Pen is mightier than sword. It has been. It will forever be. People are not afraid of sword if you show them as they have one too. But if you can show dissent and make readers agree to every word you say, i.e, truth, they will shiver their spine out. People are rewriting history. The day is here when insane minds have threaded the sane followers and made them puppets for their show of power. The only way you can show you are different is to be educated and literate and talk sense. But no.., wait… we pray namaz five times a day and don’t need yoga to keep us fit and fine.
The whole idea of exercising has been limited. The whole idea of a healthy mind has been limited. The whole sense of living in this world has been enclosed in a box of wet matchsticks (with so called Islam) that won’t even spark the human in you when it will be needed to save lives around you. Ansar caste won’t come to help the Iraqis, Syed and Sheikhs will continue to live in their own dilemma of superiority, and the rest will die humming Ilahi in their minds. Not even one will show up on the streets when another Akhlaq is butchered or Qasim is slaughtered just for being Muslim.
How many sects are mentioned in your only holy book ‘Quran’? How many have you been granted superiority or inferiority in the verses of God which has remained unchanged ever since? When will you understand the fact that a healthy democracy can only work when you let your voices be heard and echo in the house of Parliament? Get this thing straight in your mind, no one, I repeat, no fucking one can stop you from doing that.
Dear Divided Muslims of My Undivided India, wake up. It’s time again. Wake before the villains of real life decide to see ashes all around their eyes. They have done it before. What is here to be noted, people nowadays shout the slogan #KahoDilSe2002PhirSe.
Is it not enough for you to wake up? There is no war with the present government. There will never be with any government that comes to power. An ideology has started to cloud the minds of insane soldiers of Dharam and color.
Unite this time, and time again. Every time democracy asks you to, send out your leaders to voice your needs and wants inside the walls of the largest democracy which has survived every pitch and fall and it shall forever stand.
And to all the people who call you Pakistani and pretend to know what’s there in your heart, tell them ‘this soil is mine and here I will rest’.
Until then, if there are people around you, in your society, or near by; if there are kids who need help from you, help them. The people who come to your house for helping and earning a living, ask them to send their kids to school. Tell them what education is all about. Voice out till your tongue is cut into pieces and left on the roads by the scissors of tag which calls you an anti- national.
Swaraj was our birthright and we had it from the oppressors back then. However, Swaraj is to be preserved – before oppressors of today spark it to ashes.
Unite, Divided Muslims of My Undivided India. It is democracy and it will forever be.
The only thing I ask you is to be educated and act educated. Send your kids to school and your representatives to the Parliament to speak for you. Teach your kids to speak up against what’s wrong. Unless you ring the bells of ill-treatment into the ears of the one responsible no one is going to hear you.