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Unite Against the Anti Students Campaign By The Department of Punjabi

We hope you know that our president Rajveer Kaur had been on hunger strike for four days. She had been detained just because she was propagating the ideology of Bhagat Singh and Paas through wall magazines. Against this and other democratic issues she sat on hunger strike for four continuous days. The university administration had assured publically that all her demands will be fulfilled, we have videos wherein the Dean of Languages and HOD, Punjabi dept had assured that a committee would be formed to look into the biasness in the result of Rajveer. After this public assurance the hunger strike was called off on the 4th day.
It was said that committee would be formed to look into the matter, for this Rajveer was asked to write an application to the HOD but even after 5 days of the application department has not yet initiated the process of committee formation. Our members are moving from the pillar to the post but only to be trapped in the never ending bureaucratic process of the administration. Now it’s not even that, we have been said that our demands have not been accepted. The HOD who herself came with the juice said that she is not aware of any such demand. Clearly the lie and truth are both the question of tactics. The department uses these tactics to exploit the democratic rights of the students. The students have the democratic right to fair evaluation of their answer sheets but for this, student like Rajveer had to sit on hunger strike. Here comes the most failing part of the present day democracy.
Fascism has its two faces. One which it shows to the people on which we the people are asked to rejoice. And the other is the dreadful face which really is what it is. The fetishism of the ideal conditions hide the most brutal attack on one’s democratic rights. So the incidence of denying the already promised demands is another sort of fascist tactics by the administration.
The HOD and the Dean act as feudal lords in the university. Similar is the situation with all other bureaucratic powers in the country. Having a sense of supremacy that have found its continuity from the caste based hierarchy in the Indian society, the administration can not tolerate a lower class Dalit scholar in the university. They had to step down from their throne to meet the student on hunger strike but heeding to her demands is too much lowering of their feudal power. One thing had to become quite clear through this protest, university administration is quite afraid of students unity. For they know that the students are the progressive forces in the campus and are the real challenge to its fascists tactics. And thus the administration had selected this time, the time when the students are busy in exams, some occupied with the departmental exams, others with the UGC NET exam.
We appeal to all the progressive students, teachers and organisations to stand against the autocratic nature of the administration. We would be organising protest and gherao at the office of Head and Dean. It’s urgent that we unite to fight for campus democracy.
Revolutionary Greetings
Contact:- 7065266501

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