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India And Its Nirbhayas

Candle light march to mark the second anniversary of the fatal gang-rape of a Jyoti Singh. (Image Credit: Ajay Aggarwal/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)

It will be like an ‘alarming’ situation for India if it doesn’t wake up and look up at the numbers and the position it is holding an index of the most dangerous nations. According to the reports released by the Thomson Reuters Foundation on the basis of the survey on women’s issues, recognizing India as the most dangerous place for sexual violence against women followed by other countries from Asia, Middle East and West.

Now if we start focussing on the present scenario in the nation, the condition does not seems to be much improved. From the past few years cases related to sexual crimes, domestic violence, human trafficking, and child abuse are inclining the ladder which is upsetting.

India the largest democracy in the world where women’s rights come forth than anything is the place where women are on constant vigilance. It comes as a shock to see the country among the nations’ list in which it holds the highest position in terms of a sexual predator.

During these 5 years period the country has seen tremendous changes in various sectors from politics to the economy, from agriculture to technology but what remains stagnant is an improvement in women security. India has been included in the list of countries with the lowest per capita rates of rapes. A large number of rapes go unreported. But after several rape incidents received widespread media attention and triggered public protests there is no denying why India is declared as Rape Capital of the world.

According to the NCRB 2015 statistics, Madhya Pradesh has seen the highest number of rape reports among Indian states.

Know where your city stands when it comes to the safety of women

India is no safer for women instead it’s been safer for accused. Now looking at the data collated by NCRB Madhya Pradesh stands at the top with the highest number of 4391 cases followed by Maharashtra with 4,144, Rajasthan with 3.644, Uttar Pradesh (3,025), Odisha (2,251) and Delhi with 2,199 cases.

Data shows 95% rape victims in India known to offenders. More than half of all female homicide victims were killed by relatives, intimate partner and other close ones.

The Most Dangerous Place

Wondering over what would be the most unsafe place for women to live? It’s none other place than your own ‘Home Sweet Home’.  According to the reports released by UN recently, homes have been the most dangerous place for women where majority numbers of female victims suffer domestic violence, sexual assaults and murders.

India witnessing 6 years anniversary of unfortunate Nirbhaya gang-rape case is still haunting the nation. Country grappling with the issue of sexual violence various laws and legislation have been passed in order to ensure the safety of women. But failing in executing the laws in a conventional manner is the area where the security is compromised.

Despite opting for stricter laws crimes against women are still not finding an end road. We as a nation living in the state of denial that most of the women don’t feel safe alone on the streets, work, in markets, homes.


In 2016 alone 106 rape cases have been recorded a day. The national capital Delhi witnessed the most rape cases at 1,996. Rape cases rose to 38,947 in 2016 from 34,210 in 2015. 2017 and 2018 have witnessed some of the most barbaric rape cases which shows that women in India are not safe at all. Looking specifically at the incidents of rape against children there’s a rise of 82% in 2016. The records show that in 2015, 10,854 rape cases had been lodged including child sex abuse.  The year 2018 has become only worse for children. The year alone has witnessed the most tragic rape cases involving minors.

 Kathua Rape Case

The 8 years old was brutally gang-raped by 8 men in the temple. The minor was reportedly held for days on sedatives and raped in a temple, Kathua. The case has drawn widespread protest across the country.

Jind Rape Case

In January, the body of a 15 years old girl from Jind, Haryana was found in the village of Jhansi. Medical reports showed that the girl had been brutally gang-raped and her private parts had been mutilated. Reported numbers are more and the unreported are lot more about which we are not been aware too. We are on the verge of losing gender equality and with the present scenario, the government legislatures irrational statements have tipped society over the edge. Now the crimes against women and children are being carried out especially to target particular communities which is dividing the nation. And Kathua rape case is one of the examples which shows that sectarian poison released into the nation’s bloodstream by its Hindu nationalists has reached full toxicity.

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