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Feminism losing its meaning !

I have been trying to understand the meaning of word ‘Feminism’ lately. I searched on the internet and what I have understood is – Feminism is about fighting for the equality of both sexes in educational, political, economical, and social opportunities. It’s a fight for a good cause but to be true, I have been always afraid of talking about it in public or any social network especially to women because I am afraid of being judged wrong, everytime.
I think this word has lost its meaning and for many fake feminists out there the fight is no more for the positive equal opportunities but for the equality in liquor intake or being abusive. I have seen girls who love to drink a lot and under the influence of alcohol they throw abuses to their female friends also and these girls call themselves feminists, modern and open minded girls. Do u throw abuses at the community, for the equality of which you are fighting? And the irony is, you can’t even tell them they are wrong, because you yourself are confused about this ‘Feminism’ word. Drinking alcohol or smoking is injurious for the health of both the genders, being abusive is wrong socially and morally for both the genders and it has nothing to do with feminism or being modern. A person who opposes it doesn’t become an anti-feminist.
I have seen exchanges of ‘gaali galoch’ on social networks like Instagram and Facebook in abundance. Is use of BC, MC and F*** word has become so important that without using them a healthy communication can’t proceed? Where are we taking ourselves? What are we expecting our next generations to learn from us? I don’t find any modernisation in it, I feel like we are degrading more everyday.
Women have always possessed power to change our society, to guide us, to transform us into good, to make us more civilized. Please don’t follow the worse acts of men and fight saying ‘If a man can do that, then why can’t we. Your fight is for a much bigger cause, you don’t have to bring down your level for that. You keep fighting for your good cause and men will join you too, not all men, but many will for not every man is a stalker or a sexual harasser, or a dominator. There are many who considers you superior and will follow you and fight for you and that way we can make this world a good place to live, not in a way we are going at present. Please understand your fight first !

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