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Child Trafficking..!

Children being the most innocent and god’s best creation are given pain and suffering in their very tender age.

This pain and suffering results as children are bought from their homes in the quest for a better life. Every eighth minute a child goes missing in India. 

Girl child is being sold for sex trade by their family members for some small amount of money. Many of the stories are published on social media and very rare children are being found too.

The international labour organisation estimates that about 1.2 million children go missing every year. 8.33 lakh children are trafficked in India unemployment, illetracy, and poverty being the major reasons. 

Girls are from the ancient times been looked as the object of desire. Beaten,sold,threatened,mentally and physically tortured and sold as a retail product in the sexual trade market. People have been considering this as a business. Where as even being victim they are treated as they are criminals. Girls are being trafficked at the age of 12-13 years and taken to far off placed they are being raped by the men there.

Lok sabha this year has been passing an anti trafficking bill for prevention .

Many steps need to be taken and we ourselves need to be involved in such cases when we come across them.

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