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Youth has no age bar

Hi, my name is Ramesh Mishra staying in Bangalore age 46 years, but  The youth inside is dancing, struggling hard, craving to see and do more, have multiple dreams, looking beyond the horizon, as it has no age. This is the situation of our youth in this country.

People say what is your age and they mark you as youth or old but what about the youth inside which has no age limits.  Happy from outside but fire in the belly burning that is today’s youth. Have dreams but see the limitations, That is youth. Have a family, as normal human being on this planet, wife and two kids but feel alone, as dreams are unfulfilled that is today’s youth. Working on a job, having everyday insecurity on the job, looking to achieve more, dreams in eyes but always with a doubt and question mark That is today’s youth.  If you ask the youth what they want I am sure the mist average answers will be money and stability so that they can do more with there dreams.

Majority youth want to become Amitabh Bachan of there field but do we have got second Amitabh Bachchan after the original one. Dreams are full of eyes but the means and challenges make the youth slow in the race and later he sees himself out of race living an unknown life. What the youth should be doing in there 25 to 35 age is more important to see them always a youth. Age has no bar on youth. When we see  Amitabh Bachchan on screen or in character, We forget all other youth. At that moment there is no youth in his comparison. Passion and loving life to live under any circumstances keep the youth alive in you always I feel. All successful people are still pushing for more, it is their youth which is still asking them for more and more but here lies the fine line. They are making the graph grow for there company and family which in anyways will happen. If only they take responsibility of at least small crowd of youth from there state or town or village that day will grow the youth population in our country to that level   When India will be called as a nation of youth with no age circuit on that.

Youth is the person who despite any age has the fire in his belly, fighting all odds, dreaming of prosperous future, Even if he is not able to see his life scene for next week, that makes him youth. Till the person doesn’t lose hope and has a passion for him he is in the youth category.

I am age 46 but still, I am looking forward to doing something more challenging the situations in life. I was in the professional job for last 26 years, and suddenly one day I left the job as the youth inside me was always asking me “ am I doing the job or task I love to do? And I could not answer my youth Inside for the last 26 years. But youth is youth. He overpowered me and finally, I left my job and asking myself what next.  Maybe my youth inside was wrong or right I don’t know but how alone can I fight with my youth And give no answer to him. My youth inside wants me to become Ambani of the business world but myself in the job could only meet my monthly bills and that was not acceptable to my youth.   The spark which keeps your passion and fire in belly alive is the youth inside you. Which sees no Age.

Many examples are there in front of us I will list one very Famous in support to my thought.

KFC owner could not answer his youth or let us out the youth inside him was still overpowering his mind, asking questions, till he reached retirement age and the day he had answer for his youth he was known to the world.

People like Sam Walton of Walmart group are still in there youth days Daily opening new stores and ventures. Nobody is asking them their age, as they are almost full in there youth tempo. The youth inside them is so alive that if God asks them there one Wish to be fulfilled they will ask just to increase there a time limit on this planet balance all they have inside as the youth inside them is still very very young.

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