Yesterday I was talking with my friend there was one post in WhatsApp about those person who abuse and blackmail girls about their photos. I shares that post and also tell him share that post then one sentence he say to me that forced me to write this article.
He said to me that ” I doesn’t able to share this post because what the people will think about me if I share this post. People started to saying that I doesn’t have any another topic to talking.”
These words forced me to think this “Society from us or we are from the society”.
People stop saying anything about the things that bad happen around us because of the some so called reputative people in the society who convey what they will think about us.
In my opinion there is no effect in your reputation because if you talking about wrong happen in the society you are helping those people who need your support. So please stop thinking about so called reputative people what they talk about you.
I also want request all the parent help your child and listen them. Because you are the first who needed by your child in that situation.