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12 Lessons I’ve Learnt From Indian Roads

They say ‘it’s the journey that matters and not the destination’, and they (whoever they are) could not have been more accurate. And you’re in luck if your journey involves travelling through Indian roads, for just like nosy Indian neighbours they too remember to give you (unwanted?) life advices.





  1. Life is a rat race. 










 2. Your competition is not always going to be likable. Some have the odd in their favor and you can’t do much about them but hope the odds take your side. 









3. Two roads are not always similar to each other. That doesn’t mean they can’t do the same things just as well. Stop comparing yourself to each other. Fix your potholes, and you’ll be as good as anyone should be.










4. Don’t choose the dark (read ‘wrong’) side just because it makes your journey easier. Some risks are just downright wrong and not worth taking. Choose the speed-breaker over breaking your neck.








 5. People have a habit of staring and gawking,which just means they don’t have anything meaningful to do themselves. Stop caring about what they have to say.










6. Some crossroads don’t look like crossroads. But they matter just as much. Choose your way wisely.










7. Just because you’re in a good place, does not mean you’ll have it easy. Don’t take life for granted. Always keep your head in the game and eyes on the road.










8. Even when you might want to give up, you have to pull through and go forward, because sometimes it is the only way.










9. Don’t expect people to come and fix you. They’ll never make you whole. 









10. What you need to fix your life is often in front of you. But will you take the leap?









11. Life is a constant work in progress. You can’t solve all your problems in one go. Prioritize the VIP areas where you can’t afford to falter, and work from there. The rest are another day’s problem.










12. If you plan, and know your way around you’ll eventually get where you want to be. It gets better, sooner or later.

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