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Little Girls With Dreams Today Will Be The Strong Women With Vision Tomorrow

Even after 70 years of independence, almost 50% of children do not have access to education in India, with most of them being girls. Everyone talks about nation building, developing the country and all of that, but what they don’t realize is that education is the backbone of every nation. If India wants to become economically, socially, politically developed, the people in positions of power should focus on the education of children. Issues such as overpopulation, poverty, pollution etc. that all of us are blamed for and are unable to control at this stage can be better tackled with an educated populace. The traditional beliefs on the role of women in society also need to change. We must not leave our girls behind as we progress as a nation.

Education does not mean literacy alone. Educating someone means to empower them to fulfil their dreams and teach them values and morals that will help them become better citizens and contribute towards the nation’s progress. Denying education to a girl child is unjust and immoral; it’s a violation of her fundamental rights. Girls must be given equal opportunities like the boys; they must be given equal importance. They must be educated and given an opportunity to have a career just as the boys are ‘expected to’.

Girls can become independent, self-sufficient and financially stable individuals when they are given a proper education. A nation can only strive when all are treated equally. Female literacy is vital for every section of our society because an educated woman will have the confidence to make the right decisions about her health and her life.

Kalpana Chawla, Indra Nooyi, Kiran Bedi are all examples of strong Indian women who made an impact in the global world, making India proud. A girl you educate today will also ensure that her children are educated too. Little girls with dreams today will be the strong women with vision tomorrow. It’s essential to create a generation of people who advocate their rights and also fight for the rights of other people. We must not forget these young girls are an important part of our society and neglecting them means neglecting the hope for a better future.

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