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World Environment Day is 5th June


80% of Indian population live below povertyline.  And 20% who belong to rich class and middle-class waste food without ever giving a thought to those poor children of my country Hindustan who sleep hungry and are undergoing    mal-nutrition.


If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted, don’t hesitate to call 1098 (only in India) – It’s not a Joke, This is the number of Child helpline. They will come and collect the food. Please circulate this message which can help feed many children.


2500 newborn babies die in Hindustan every year The main cause of this is improper food-intake by the pregnant ladies who either are belonging to poorer class or are careless about food intake.


All hotel Owners should be strict to stop these three Wastes  — Waste water, Waste food, Waste Energy-Energy Conservation.

Our Government should keep a prestigious AWARD for the best hotels who conserve these three Wastes.


Wastage of food by people in any Event or Function

When any event is organised for any Event or function the following steps need to be followed to avoid wastage of food—

1)Ask your guests to confirm their presence in advance.Pass on the exact number to the caterer /hotelier.

2)Plan the menu in such a way that it does’nt show off too many dishes leading to wastage of foods.The food presentation must be appealing.

3)Keep kids food separate.

4)Tying up the left-over food to distribute to a NGO after the function is over.

Too many dishes of similar flavour can lead to disappointment among guests.

Advice to guests for any function

1)See that you dont take more than you need and take little by little in 2-3 rounds to avoid wastage.

2) See that your family don’t take more than required food.


Wastage of foodgrains in Godowns

Food Corporation of India  FDI should check wastage of foodgrains in godowns frequently at last once in a fortnight.

Most of foodgrains get wasted due to rotting which is due to improper storage facilities and preservation.

The Supreme Court has issued orders that “ Not a single food grain should be wasted”   Over 30 lakh tonnes of foodgrains rot every year in Hindustan godowns.Foodgrains costing around  250 to 500 crore  rots in Maharshtra godowns and  previous Agricultural and Food Minister Sharad Pawar past CM of Maharashtra  is totally responsible for this wastage.This is indirectly one of the causes of farmer’s suicide.

Note: SPECIAL  THANKS  to all those who have indirectly helped me in preparing this article. My heart bleeds for all my country-citizens of Hindustan  who are suffering from hunger and children who sleep hungry.

The End

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