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we are the history of the future

since 5 years thousands of people all around stuck in different crisis .children amongst them prove to be the worst sufferers




Issues.Agendas.Emergencies. In today’s time there is no lack of so called hot  topics to discuss. From civil wars  to homicides, proxy wars, court cases, war crimes, assassinations.(sounds all negative right?) but look around you , Have you not heard about them ? What was the first thing you saw in the newspaper today?   These are the things we are surrounded by nowadays . Its not that we are not trying to end these things , its not that as if we are not putting our efforts .But at the same time we need to accept that we aren’t putting our best either. What we need to realize is that either we want to accept it or not one day our era will come to an end and we all will become history one day . So whatever our deeds maybe we should not forget that in reality we are writing a history , a story which shall remain alive for centuries. So on a broader perspective its in our hands what do we want teach our future generations . What kind of examples we want to set for them.  I  bet on the fact that we all have wondered during are history classes that how insane and racist Hitler was; how impractical most of the kings were but have we ever wondered how are we different from them all , what kind of opinions will the future generations will be forming about us. INTELLECT IS NOT THINKING ABOUT HOW HITLER MANAGED TO PERFORM SUCH CRIMES BUT THE REAL INTELLECT IS ANALYZING THE FACT THAT HOW HE CONVINCED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE INTO THINKING THAT IT WAS THE RIGHT WAY. We need to learn from the history and in such a era where collecting and representing an opinion is not a big issue we can bring a change. Duly agreeing with the fact the we are not  the founders of WW3 yet but amid all the refugee crisis , climate crises and human right violations against rohingya people  are we really at peace? Our generation is  a  live example of failure of its own solutions and rather exploiting them. At least Hitler had the fear of the deeds he had done which finally lead to his suicide . But the problems with today’s leaders is that nobody wants to accept their flaws, nobody wants to put their knees down. The enlightening fact is that just because it isn’t happening to you , it doesn’t means that it isn’t happening all.The solutions in the form of sanctions, boycotts,treaties aren’t helping anymore but what the need of the hour is spreading peace,cooperation and helping each other. For once we can forget the borders and work for humanity. The SOLUTION lies within us . And to achieve it we need to work on our PRESENT so that the FUTURE  generations can appreciate  the PAST.

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