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Unwritten history: who Bengali settler and who are illegal migrants Bangladeshi.

It has been covering history of Andaman and Nicobar islands always mentions about it enormity and predominance character among the Indian Sub-continent, hence, we can say “mini India” by it multi diversity environments has created for long time within a some reason inter-caste marriage, multi linguistic tradition, different state custom etc. comparatively Andaman and Nicobar islands always have referred to a history of peace and diversity among the peoples. Recently I had seen a documentary movie as called “jewel of pearls” to conferring the immensity and real sense of whiff which airborne around the environments. It has been land of multi-state communities who are living together for long time, where the gradually Tamil, Telugu, Ranchi, Malayali, Bengali, Marathi, etc. migrants in a different context and different purpose. Thousands of families of East Bengal origin resettled on the Islands, both as free migrants as well as beneficiaries of governmental schemes during the 1951 or broadly near 1954. Even after 1972 large number of Bengali community came to islands in the regime of Indira government. Some of the historian identified that after the liberation of Bangladesh number of Hindu- Bengali community came to this islands, despite the initial destitution and unfavorable living conditions, the Bengali settlers transformed with time an unknown wild space into a familiar home space, While government relocated for the Bengali community various remote areas such Diglipur, Billiground, Rangat, Kadamtala, neil-isalnds, Havelock, hutbay etc. At that time Bengali speaking peoples faced large number of inadequate infrastructure facilities such health, education, connectivity, electricity, road  etc.  In the 2005, government of India had added the Bengali settler on the OBC list for the uplifted living standard among the community. For this purpose, even today same condition still existences. Even though unfortunately they are not raised their voice towards the bad ailment system. Hence, they are believed the peace and prosperity, love and humanity, development and progress because, the settlers heavily relied upon cultural traditions, religious festivals and music performances to deal with their physical and cultural isolation. However, interesting point is that the largely new generation of Bengali community people never visited outside these islands. Today’s significant thought came a across which is “who is illegal immigrants Bangladeshi and legal Bengali settler” whereas many of Bengali settler facing same problem “illegal immigration” but they are also fighting for common issue. Instantly last month’s meticulous happened across the islands for implementation of “inner permit line” whereas settler association of kadamtala and Diglipur inherently support massive protest. As a result after the protest some of incidents had taken place that “Bengali hatao” slogan. How the constructive society destroy by intolerant behaviours. It is more political discourse rather the constructive logical arguments. Instead, both of the people sharing common language; it not means that both are same. The question is more relevant that Andaman really deserve Mini- India principality, and to be sake of keen multi- language diversity.  Not at all, it has been suitable for present’s political environment in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.

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