Socialisation means person or that entity is socialised. For eg. when layman said ” see this community how they are protesting “.that layman is socialized. In the era of this globalization ramu in the village socialised by social media. In social media we are posting opinion on every social movement, caste, tribe,women organisation, etc.In youtube as social media if we read certain comments or if we have seen some groups then we will understand that this are nothing but quasi social group they don’t have anything social structure or they don’t also have feeling of social consciousness. In today’s era if Marx exist he will surely given as speech, “social community arise your social consciousness and make social community and create your own youtube channel or blog but don’t follow that proletarian youtubers who had already taken the advantages of capitalism” Emanuel Durkheim if he also exist in this era he had also given us division of followers and also given us “social suicide” as his thesis which are prevailing in this era. Socialogist would have given us law that success of any viral video, challenges on social media depends on stress of peerpresure. If m.s. srinivasan studied social media from the perspective of sociology they also given new concept “social sankritisation”. Yes it’s happening!! If you see any celebrity followers they are copying lifestyle of that celebrity so that is not sanskritisation? There is also social stratification between communities to communities because of likes, followers, comments, shares that individual get on posting content.
There is always inequalities exist between community to community on social media but yet this large digital media integrated via social bond.