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Ram : The leader we want

Ram : The leader we want

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे। 

सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने॥

This is the line which inspires me towards lord ram 

which means  my Mind gets absorbed in the Divine Consciousness of Rama, which is Transcendental

The Name of Rama is as Great as the Thousand Names of God 

Don’t worry, this would be the last line towards worshiping lord ram. Now i would come towards why lord Ram is the leader India wants today, his personality inspires me and most importantly his leadership qualities. He is calm and compose he never gets excited and most importantly he follows law. 

Following law is most incompetent thing in leaders now days and ram was a leader who was according to law most of the time and majorly he tried to follow law every time his intentions was always right , His father has promised his step mom to obey his wish So he blindly trusted his step mom orders and gone to vanvas for 14 years , Today’s leader would ditch his father and never went to vanvas and say in media that demands were unconstitutional.

And he unconditionally accepted his step brother to be a king and most substantially given his kingdom to his step brother , In present situation our politician would kill his step brother and would be ruling his kingdom freely. Most importantly ram was simple in his lifestyle , those leader who are running their politics in the name of simplicity and so called common people they should learn from ram what truly means to be simple at least he never wore clothes to look like common man.

While in the fight with ravan he always respected his enemies. he even acknowledged ravan skills and his power, not like today’s leader who just are in the competition within them self who will speak more bad and the one who speak more bad for our enemies will be the spokesperson for our party.

He was furious and also and a great warrior and most importantly he had confidence in his skill, he poses While going towards lanka to get back his wife from ravan he spent three days on the banks of the ocean as he was waiting for samundra raja to clear their path or give them the proper way to go towards lanka But after all this samundra raja didn’t appear so furious ram threaten samundra raja to vanish him with his bow He basically knew how to react in different situations He was very sure of his qualities but most importantly humble in nature  as well as grounded. he never preferred  to be called god or to be worshiped.

When lord ram encounter lord pashuram (lord vishnu 6 th avtar) and ram was 7 th avtar of lord Vishnu , So when parshuram heard the great sound of breaking of shiva’s bow he got angry because it was his guru’s very powerful bow. Then he came at the place of swayamvara to find that person who broke that powerful bow. While Laxman (brother of ram) answered very intensily to lord Parshuram’s anger but ram was calm and compose as a great leader while Parshuram  was thinking how can this boy is capable to break the powerful bow. Then he ordered ram to use his very powerful vaishnava dhanusha to prove his prowess. Then great parshuram understood that shri ram is none other than supreme lord Vishnu himself , it was ram’s calm and compose nature which doesn’t leads towards the fight and in the end  respect from both side was earned.

Ram was most obedient karma believer and he follows law made by him and not like today’s leader which take down their cases when they come in power and kill their evidence with most masterly as possible. So no evidence, no case and they give clean chit to themselves while Ram was totally opposite he was a lord he could escape from law’s or karma but he never did that in his life. He sends his wife to forest when he has no choice because the law of purity was such, Even he faces karma,  he suffers with pain and anxiety after sending sita to forest and most importantly took samadhi with his wife in the end And most strangest thing is loving one person and marrying him or her for life time and this quality not only among politician but many people not possess these days

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